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Everything posted by Tchou

  1. 1-I've see the same if the waypoint is part of the route I cannot add constraints but on the SID/STAR, no issue… try to enter 110 you never know. (even if FL110 is not 11000) 2-I think it's WIP… I've seen a post about it in the forum… 3-they are working on perfecting LNAV, for now try to force a direct to waypoint, select the waypoint in the scratchpad and put it back on top of the legs then execute. 4-Discontinuity, I'd say yes.
  2. Looking forward to see that, and as I said I like SMP clouds so I'd be really glad to see your settings (X-Plane and SMP), maybe there is something I didn't get to configure right on my computer. if that helps me to enjoy Flying Airliners with SMP that would be great... (B733 (over 100hours) and Tu-154m (10h since friday) are the only ones I fly recently).
  3. ... Provided you fly only defaults plane at low res with low settings, without any anti aliasing (HDR off ?) over no scenery at all. I agree with you... I don't want to bash SMP, it's a very good product if you fly low altitude, a great add on if you fly ga planes for example but for airliner flyers (someone said IXEG ?) it's too demanding, even on a high end computer. (For now at least..).
  4. What I see (and you don't seem to) is that the clouds don't go to the horizon with smp and he's only at 22000ft, it should get worse at 41000 ft whereas it does with the default clouds and with 15 fps more with default clouds.
  5. I think that was what we where all trying to tell you, the spoilers deploy with reversers thats all... You seemed to think it was not normal...
  6. You pull out reversers when practising touch&go ?
  7. I think not, but as soon as hotfixes are reversible.... Look at the ident page in the CDU it will tell you which version you have, if it's already 1.0.5 no need.
  8. The charts might be for a given weight of the plane, a given Flaps Settings, runway lenght or a given temperature I don't have your plane so I don't have the charts but usually these are the factors to calculate VSpeeds
  9. Hello, If I may say so : If the day is hot, thrust will decrease, not increase. That's how reduced power take off works (you assume you are on a hot day when it is not;) Richard.
  10. Simbrief will give you a nice optimal cruise FL, also with Cost Index and such things like wind component and ISA dev (those thinks you never know what to put in) Fuel Calculations and so on. Optimal FL takes into account the distance, the Weight of the plane the CI, and the winds. www.simbrief.com (it's free, you have to register to let it save your flightplans and your preferences and also your fleet).
  11. I think everything nowadays is optimized for HDR on, this is such an improvement in the lighting and the esthetics. And with machines getting more and more powerfull, I'm not sure the setting will be on X-plane 11 you may not be able to disable it anymore. The Alu back of the iMac is not sufficient, the only mac that is cooled OK, is the old Mac Pro (And G5), the towers. The iMacs need to slow down their frequency to stay not too warm (they are not cool anyway). I have a 5K iMac (the first one with all options : 4GHz with 4.4GHz turbo,1 Tb SSD and the High End Graphic card, see what's going on when you start using it (the window is 1minute large): and 3 minutes later, the frequency starts to drop, in less than 5 minutes. X-plane is worse because it loads as well the CPU and the GPU (I used a video encoding software for the demo, GPU is not used). In that case the back of the machine was still cool.
  12. on the mac there is a utility SMC FAN CONTROL which allows you to override the OS fan settings (it's safe, you cannot lower fan speed, just the opposite) so you can make the machine cooler. it will allow you to monitor the temperature also.
  13. you can also include airways like : UMMS KOLOS T52 BUSIN L999 PINUG T52 RAVOK P851 VALOL M984 KOTEK T709 SOPAV L156 HLV M984 MIKOV DCT DETSA UQ984 VAMTU UM984 PADKO UL127 FJR LFBO
  14. he has a very personal way to unplug fans... It seems no bigger than the 980ti strix that I Have...
  15. Jan told in another topic (you are not alone in this case) that they programmed the route to be 1000NM, it would take a very lazy controler to let you fly it in it's full length (and maybe a tanker plane with a device to allow for in flight refuelling ;-). )
  16. VECTORS is not a waypoint, it's an indication to follow the ATC indication guiding you the the rest of your route. (by giving you headings and altitude AKA VECTORS).
  17. you apply manually full throttle where in the video you quote at 16:30 listen at what he says, he derate the thrust then apply an assumed temperature of 50°C which results in a reduced take-off power. So as said, he never gets the same throttle as you apply because the autoThrottle will stop at 85%.
  18. Hello, I've done a lot of flights from version 1.0.2 to 1.0.5, and I always saw that the left generator is more "used" than the right one, also in some flights I get the Right temp gauge completely down, it seems like it doesn't work (either in "IN" or "RISE" mode), I guess you already saw this. I some flights it does work, but I didn't manage to see what is the factor which make it work or not.
  19. As if As we don't own your system, and don't have access to it, if you don't help people help you, it would not solve your problem at all either....
  20. Any specs that are able to run x-plane with a default plane like the 747 for example.
  21. Since 1.0.5 I cannot set a constraint on altitude on the waypoints of the route (Coroute if that matters) I can set a speed constraint but any altitude ends with an "invalid format" message, this works for waypoints from a SID or a STAR without issue though…
  22. try to remove extensions like Followmecar from JAR for example, his extensions like ground handling have been known to interfere with sounds on the IXEG…
  23. The extension should be .fpl not .flp sorry for the dyslexic among us ;-)
  24. Didn't see it like that, thanks.
  25. it's a workaround, but in case of step climbs there is some cleaning to do...
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