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Everything posted by JGregory

  1. Bruce, I appreciate your feedback on this. From what I can see this is happening with users who have hardware assigned to the power levers. Previously, the "Auto-Start" procedure did NOT force the Power Levers into the Ground Idle position, so, if your hardware was not set to the right position the Auto-Start routine would not run (as you found out). I have changed this in the code so that the power levers are "forced" to the Ground Idle position when using "Auto-Start. This should resolve the problem. Look for this change in the next update.
  2. Glad you got it worked out!
  3. I am not aware of any missing sounds. The ground roll is in the sounds folder as it should be and works fine. Are you talking about a different sound for the "wheels moving on the ground" ? There are no callouts (except for GPWS warnings) in the real aircraft so none are included.
  4. The prop speed and control surface issue has been resolved and will be in the next update. The gust lock must be set for the control surfaces to behave accordingly.
  5. Those log messages have no effect at all on the operation of Gizmo or Skymaxx
  6. Really good ones !!! Ummm… pretty sure that's not going to happen.
  7. Chris, No one has ever reported this type of problem with the Corvalis. My guess is that the issue is with your hardware. There is nothing special about the throttle, prop, or mixture controls in the Corvalis.
  8. It's in development and not yet available to the public.
  9. Please post your Log.txt and GizmoLog.txt files here (after you have a failed start). Also…you could try this... unplug ALL your hardware… remove ALL other plugins (except Gizmo)... and then see if the Saab will start. If you don't want to mess with your existing X-Plane installation another option would be to download the X-Plane demo, install the Saab, and (with no hardware attached) see if the Saab will start that way.
  10. Isn't there a feature where you can "freeze" the view while your using a scroll or manipulator?
  11. All the 2D pop-ups have commands that you can implement via key, button, etc.
  12. We are/were concerned about this as well. We tried several methods and the current implementation is the best so far. For example, a rotary dial has 2 "hot" spots, one for the manipulator (drag) and one for the scroll. There are no click spots because it would require at least one more "hot" spot (probably two) and that would definitely be too crowded. Offering options to select manipulator or scroll was considered as well. However, there are potential performance considerations regarding that type of implementation. In addition, just using scroll can sometimes be a bit finicky when attempting fine adjustments. We are still beta testing this to assure that the end product has the best possible solution.
  13. A little search would have found this. In addition Ben has made significant optimization changes to Gizmo.
  14. I was not involved with LES as far as the DC3 is concerned, so this is completely irrelevant to me. In addition, your mixing two different things. What does people trusting the next update have to do with my asking you if you read my statement about not being able to test "everything"? I have no idea what you're referring to. The update is FREE, so what difference does it make whether they believe that statement or not? Everyone will be able to try the update and judge for themselves… they don't have to "rely" on, or be confident in, a statement made in a forum post… they will see for themselves.
  15. I didn't ask what other customers thought, I asked what you thought. But never mind… it's obvious now what your agenda is. I never said we were. I never said we would. Did you NOT read my post? I said… "Now, of course we can't test every possible combination of other products…"
  16. I said "little to NO" impact… there's a difference. Do you really believe that we test our products in a vacuum? Come on. We do everything we can to "beat up" our own systems, as well as using as many beta testers as possible with many different add-ons. Now, of course we can't test every possible combination of other products, but we do "load up" the systems to see what they can take. In addition, we are continuously looking at ways to optimize. Ben Russell has recent made some significant changes in Gizmo regarding performance that I believe our customers will be thrilled with. Its one of the benefits of having "active and ongoing" development of a product.
  17. That depends on how they are implemented. There are methods of using the GPU (shaders) that have little to NO impact on performance.
  18. I would have much less of a problem with adding some dirt, scratches, etc. than I would with adding baked reflections.
  19. So if we add reflections you will suddenly be able to fly the Saab on PilotEdge ?
  20. Don't be shy.. tell us what you're thinking.
  21. Doesn't the lack of wind in your face tell you that there is a window there?
  22. So you need a reflection to tell you there is a window there? Really?
  23. Simple answer… it's not a rant.
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