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  1. Ok, Thanks for the support and additional information. Have a good day.
  2. Today I tried (xp11.26) a default ground services pushback / nose left. Pushback was straight back without the nose left. Also the rotating beacons are flashing white rather than red.
  3. Yes, I knew that but I just wanted to do a quick test to verify ILS was installed. I finished my Baron tests so loaded the ISG737 at SASA and got LOC on the ground and seen LOC G/S indications on a quick SP11 approach test. Is this what you see? I had time so I set up for another approach (screenshot).
  4. I was using the Baron ... so did a quick test and all ok
  5. I went from FJS732 to IXEG737 and got a message: ..... "extensions/gatekeeper ..... (see screenshot) And the IXEG's panel shows wrong panel/gauge textures.
  6. I took another look ... no Zip file.
  7. No problem with the IXEG v1.21 download, install, no Xplane11 crash when loading IXEG737, and did not see a hotfix zip file.
  8. Thanks. Have a good day.
  9. I have XP10 now. If I purchase IXEG 737 v1.2 now for XP10 then later purchase XP11 can I use (install) IXEG 737 v1.2 in both XP10 and XP11 on same PC?
  10. Has this problem been confirmed to be a problem with itow plugin or the 737?
  11. I just purchased Tugmaster a few months ago .. working ok with other aircraft. Is this a problem (IXEG + Tugmaster) that cannot be fixed?
  12. hgkafa, Hi, I just took a look at my first log after CTD.. I am not good at understanding its content meanings but this is the last few lines of the log. I does show lat/lon also. CurFlow: AUTOGEN: North NewFlow: AUTOGEN: South 2:27:35.833 I/ATC: Changing KMYF CabState from 0 to 1 2:27:35.833 I/ATC: All departures are done at KMYF. Advancing... 2:27:35.833 I/ATC: Changing KMYF CabState from 1 to 2 2:27:35.833 I/ATC: All arrivals are done at KMYF. Advancing... 2:27:35.833 I/ATC: Changing KMYF CabState from 2 to 0 SkyMaxx Pro: Location set to lat 32.686206 lon -116.195777 alt 8287.063126 SkyMaxx Pro: Coordinate system changed; recreating weather.
  13. Ok, I will test again with the FF767-300.
  14. Sorry for the late reply .. after all the testing (no SAN/PHX for me yesterday, darn!) I ate and went to bed early. I deleted the KSAN scenery folder ...... it is not on my PC any longer. I just do not want any if'fy bugg'ey stuff on my PC. I searched and found another Xplane10 KSAN scenery and installed it .. just has a few buildings and a few gates ... so very basic scenery. I did not test it for CTD with SMP .. just loaded up Xplane10 to take a quick look at it while on the ground ... to verify it loaded ok without a problem. So, I will move it to my desktop while doing a test with the default Xplane10 KSAN scenery + FF767 + SMP + FSGRW + FF767-300 if that is what you want for a test today. Or would like a different combination for a test? Yesterday KSAN ... was a rainy day with lots of clouds for testing the CTD problem .. today its clear ... so not the same conditions for a test today. Would this CTD with SMP still happen, independent of the ATIS / weather conditions, for testing .. if the CTD was caused by scenery? I am still trying to understand how Xplane10 custom scenery or a payware Xplane10 aircraft can cause a CTD only when using SMP (cloud enhancement program) with FSGRW (weather injection program) ... but then again I am not a programmer with an understanding of how plugins and their dynamic usage work during a flight.
  15. I removed the KSAN scenery. Flew the default Jet around the KSAN area for a long time with FSGRW ready but not Xfering data and no CTD. Then I initiated FSGRW data Xfer and flew the Jet around the area a long time and no CTD. Very nice clouds on all flights today .. failed to mention prior posts while sorting the CTD problem.
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