Sorry for the late reply .. after all the testing (no SAN/PHX for me yesterday, darn!) I ate and went to bed early.
I deleted the KSAN scenery folder ...... it is not on my PC any longer. I just do not want any if'fy bugg'ey stuff on my PC.
I searched and found another Xplane10 KSAN scenery and installed it .. just has a few buildings and a few gates ... so very basic scenery.
I did not test it for CTD with SMP .. just loaded up Xplane10 to take a quick look at it while on the ground ... to verify it loaded ok without a problem.
So, I will move it to my desktop while doing a test with the default Xplane10 KSAN scenery + FF767 + SMP + FSGRW + FF767-300 if that is what you want for a test today.
Or would like a different combination for a test?
Yesterday KSAN ... was a rainy day with lots of clouds for testing the CTD problem .. today its clear ... so not the same conditions for a test today.
Would this CTD with SMP still happen, independent of the ATIS / weather conditions, for testing .. if the CTD was caused by scenery?
I am still trying to understand how Xplane10 custom scenery or a payware Xplane10 aircraft can cause a CTD only when using SMP (cloud enhancement program) with FSGRW (weather injection program) ... but then again I am not a programmer with an understanding of how plugins and their dynamic usage work during a flight.