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Everything posted by jatar

  1. Hi, I know he updated to xpl11, you can see it in: Download (jrollon.com) If you need to talk with him I can you share his discord.
  2. I'm very happy with this weather solution, because at a visual level it's almost perfect, only missing the feeling of clouds in the distance, but I have serious problems when the weather is in stormy conditions, I go from a broken or overcast of 40-50 fps to a few 12-13 in storm conditions, is it normal? any advice to solve it or configuration? Thanks and congratulations for the addon.
  3. Has anyone been able to make a holding pattern? Thanks
  4. Installed but as with the previous version I can not see the sun. The performance is really good. Thanks for the update.
  5. Then thaks to Cameron, it´s true that all people forget the work he does. Happy new year to all people!
  6. thanks, good job!!!
  7. I have the same problem on win10 x64 pro.
  8. Hi, I wanted to inform you that the smp v4.5 update did not finish correctly when you can not install Visual C ++ 2015 x64. The problem comes because this version was updated to 2017 and if you have it updated does not allow the installation of 2015. The solution for a correct installation is to eliminate the 2017 version. I hope Ben will consider the possibility of installing with the 2017 installation Greetings and good flights.
  9. Patience, hurry does not bring good things. The boys of sundog if they had wanted it already would have taken it, but they are intelligent, they see the competition and they want to present a product of quality and that improves the present. You have to give them their time to ensure a product as they have done with each skymax update, each new version better than the previous one. I just hope to fly eating nougat. Jejejejeje and if not crashing with cava. Merry Christmas to all.
  10. It is sad to make comparisons and even more when what you compare is the work of people, but it is human condition. And the truth, that beyond being screenshots, behind them is a way of working and a quality of product. So for me there is no color. Congratulations Sundog team
  11. Thanks, but to today i have a problem with my eyes, and I have not could use computer. Thanks for all my friend
  12. Since ventura sky released its plugin, the set of SMP, Connector, NOAA and Ventura has become an essential in Xplane. But I think that could add certain features that improve the plugin and feelings simulator. I mean the inclusion of thermal, which would open the door to gliding, and improving water and wind reflection in it. Improvement in coloring, waves and water mass movement. It's a tall order, but to dream and give ideas to this magnificent development group can only bring something good.
  13. Great news!!!! Waiting with the wallet hot. If you could get implement thermal ... Open a door to the GA and gliding
  14. Thanks Andrea I didn´t know that. Thank you very much.
  15. Thanks for your response. Then Can I enter this flightplan?: NA W37 SI 59N050W 57N055W HOIST N606A YYR
  16. Hi how can I enter coordinates and level and knots in fmc as 59N050W/M072F32? Thanks
  17. Hi I´m having problems with blue screen after the last Windows 10 upgrade, I have backed up to previous situation but the crashes continue. I´m going to format and reinstall all again, but I need know how to uninstall x-aviation products to don´t loss activation slots and reclaim help to Cameron to activated slots. Thanks This is my problem pehaps anybody can help me.:
  18. Thanks for your response, I will do a flight and save it. I think it is a problem with cache too, It should be a solution to do a reset with thr charges of meteo. I shall post after the flight Thanks
  19. Hi, I have a decrease fps only in the arrival to airport, I stop skymax and restart it, and the fps come back again. If you need more information, tell me how support you, if you want a video I can do it. Thanks.
  20. Thanks Sundog!!!
  21. Ok Sundog but my flight it was in MM23 I will wait to change metar and try again.
  22. Thanks Sundog for your response, I thank I must install it again. Deactivated and later I will try again. Thanks
  23. Yesterday all went nice today I can´t start x-plane. Any idea why happens? Thanks Log.txt
  24. With second flight, I did pause and I lost sync with my partner. If any change to LVL change, he changes but the other do not. If I go back to VNAV the other continues in LVL CHANGE. Thanks
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