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Everything posted by dan
Wow. Great job guys! Definitely be getting this one! ;D
http://www.x-plane.com/pg_news.html Another update. Neighborhoods in XP10. Impressive!
Such a sad day in X-Plane history. :'( I hope you can get Austin to help you or that you find another programmer quickly. The CRJ has the potential to become such a great landmark product that it will no doubt help expand X-Plane to the greater masses. So it will be in Austin's interest to see this product succeed... I was just thinking about it the other day that you guys really need to establish a company and raise funds to pay your salary during development. Noone can work for free for up to two years without knowing for certain that you will get back your investment. You have to put food on the table so I fully understand it can be though. Is it an option to include the CRJ in XP10? Austin could easily buy the current state of the project and finish the code himself? ???
Of course we do. Don't be silly But yeah, it sounds like they have a long way to go still... Just hope they don't rush it either having to drop a feature or gradually introducing it over several versions. Been waiting so long for version 10 so what is another 6 months as long as the quality isn't sacrificed or features left out...
It's worth noting that the cloud detail is literally "inverted" and that the cloud detail is not tied to the camera but the airplane in those screenshots. In the final version the detail will depend on the camera location and not the airplane!
That's kinda disappointing, was looking forward to testing it out during the holidays... But yeah, it's better that they take their time and don't rush it. But what could be holding them back..?
Awesome graphics... Just hope X-Plane 10 comes close to this!
Looking sharp! Now how many times have you redone this fuselage..? ;D
Pretty cool app Simon! But I guess it's only useful for a more artistical approach to modelling, like modelling humans and organic shapes. Accuracy is probably not its biggest selling point, making it nearly impossible to model a building or an airplane accurately, but I might be wrong?
I don't think we'll see a release candidate this year, and I don't think we'll get the first betas for another month at least... But the beta should be out in time for the holiday shopping season. He would be a fool to let that one slip... It's not that long ago that a major beta run took more than three months. And version 10.0 is a major version with a lot of new tech and that will probably take time to polish. So if they are going to have a RC in time for the holidays and have it shipped out to the customers in time for the christmas present unpacking then they will have to release the beta ASAP.
Well they better be... In a little more than a year the 737 classic will be out, and before that the CRJ-200. Judging by the previews I think it's fair to say that both will raise the bar, not just in X-Plane but all current simulators. And then there's the T7 by XPjets... The next few years gonna be crazy exiting for airliner enthusiasts! ;D
I'm not talking about changing the runway and taxiway textures, that's easy to do with overlays. What I'm referring to is the general terrain and mountain textures. If they are in fact using them I hope they have refined the algorithms deciding where each small texture goes, to give a more natural look...
How many more tuesdays will there be? I was a bit disappointed that they are reusing most of the old ground textures, but there are so many other improvements including the lighting, detailed aircrafts, scenery objects, shadows, weather and ATC so I think I can manage to live with it for a few more years!
I bet the new weather engine isn't ready for prime time yet... Don't quote me but I believe (my interpretation of the information so far) that they will be true 3D clouds built using procedural algorithms. No more of those unrealistic 2D cloud billboards!
I'm not saying my suggestion is necessarily the best one, and in the end it's the admins decission how to run the site. But when you accumulate such a low negative karma the whole community is annoyed by you. Take for example people who constantly ask for updates, even though the last update was made in the last few days. Or those who don't even bother reading the whole thread asking the same question answered earlier in the thread. The rest of the community will no doubt be annoyed, especially if this is something that is repeated a lot by said individual, and they will punish you by giving you a low karma rating. But some obviously never learn, or take the hint way to late in the game, so a cooling off period might be a good idea to let them think about their actions and what lead them into the situations. How low that number should be before you get a cooling off period can be debated, and the length of the period, but I'll leave that to others to figure out. All I'm saying, there should be a limit to how low your karma can go before action is taken to avoid "trolls".
I agree. It's a silly feature we can live without. When someone (without naming names) can go from karma of zero to a negative 50 or below without consequenses or showing the willingness to change their behaviour and be able to "take a hint" that their behavior is unacceptable somethings wrong. These individuals should have been banned or given a last warning a long time ago. It's great that X-Pilot has a less restrictive policy and that banning is something they try to avoid, and I do aknowledge that people can change, but it's doesn't look like the karma system is working the way it was supposed to. Perhaps some new rules should be enforced, say, e.g. when you reach a negative karma of -5 your're account is frozen for a week before you're allowed to return? Something along those lines...
Could you post the comparison shots here? I'm not a AVSIM user. Not even Aerosoft's 747 is correct in this regard, Mathijs Kok admitted they exaggerated the hump greatly "to please its costumers". Regardless if it's correct or not it's a big step up from the default models that shipped with v9. Don't expect payware quality from the default fleet (although they are pretty close). I bet Javier could have spent a year alone on the 747, but I think it's increadible what he has achieved in so little time. In the end it comes down to what Austin decides. So if there's something you're not pleases with, it's probably a better idea to direct your wishes in that direction!
I did some more investigations and I can only reproduce this behaviour with the Mentor. As soon as I switch back to the mentor the "cloud puff" reappears somewhere not too far from the airport, and it's always in the same position. I've taken off from two locations, and both are consistent and only visible with the Mentor. Is that similar to what you've seen, Warmbrak? Perhaps Javier or Cameron can shed som light on this weird issue?
Forest fires and balloons are turned off, don't care for them very much... So it's definitely not that. I might just send this one off to Austin.
Have any of you seen these white "dots" spread around randomly in 9.60? I've seen these on a numerous locations, and they are not clouds.... nor do they belong to any custom scenery! Has this been reported?
A shame he didn't have a better screenshot to demonstrate the new procedural weather system. But it's definitely the way go. Wonder whether or not he's licensing the tech from someone else or if he's builing it from scratch... There's a handful of nice weather engine out there, and if it's anything like those it'll be great!
Garrett, it won't be "auto-gen". Users still have to use WED to create building outlines/blocks of pre-defined X-Plane artwork and scenery objects and submit it for inclusion in the master database. The same way we have to submit airport layouts to Robin Peel. Understandably it'll take some time for users to catch up and a few cycles of data before the most popular airports have been modelled; unless LR decides to include a handful of premade international airports at the release, all we are going to see for a few weeks/months are empty airports.
What we need is to be able to edit the climate files according to regions. It's unrealistic to see the same forest texture on a mountain plateau or peak, a problem that increases the further north or south you travel. The top of the treeline is different in most regions, so being able to edit the climate files according to local knowledge would be a good idea. Winter weather can vary a great deal too at the same latitude, from coastal to inland. Hopefully some of these v9 limitations are dealt with in the new version!
I wished that video would never end. ¡Magnifico! ;D Btw, was any of this shot in XP10?