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Everything posted by JBalsa

  1. Oh I don't mean that they were alcoholic's, just that they seemed that way. With a forensic investigator at the scene, you can't help but feel a little suspicious. Another thing that baffles me: Why was the A/C unit running in the middle of February, in minus 10 degree temperatures? -Jason
  2. The whole thing is the bad part. The house caught fire while both parents were at work, leaving four dogs to burn alive in the fire. Something seems to be wrong with embed. I'll just change it to a link. -Jason
  3. I had a bit of a reality check today. It never seems that big of a deal until it hits close to home. :-X Earlier today, at about two PM, my Mom and I were watching the Olympics on TV. My Mom had finished her drink, and went to the kitchen. Immediately, she saw black smoke coming out of the air-conditioner in our back yard neighbours house. She called me over, and we both knew it. I called 911 on my cell (It was the closest phone) and described the situation. My mom drove over to see if anyone was home, and if everything was Ok. There was no response, only the barking of four dogs. Two managed to escape somehow, however the other two dogs whereabouts are unknown. I managed to get the entire thing on Video Footage. Only a few snippets will be disclosed at this time. Here is the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLpY77QyCok I cannot help but feel a little suspicious. While I do feel for the family's loss, they weren't hanging out with the greatest crowd. The children's mother was verbally abusive, and the father, By the looks of it, an alcoholic. (I say this because there was a seldom time I have seen him without a beer in his hands. The residents of the house had moved in a couple of months earlier. My prayers go out to their loss -Jason
  4. I have taken the time to modify the original post to categorize all the links into: Pay-ware Freeware Forums (Or all of the above, combinations of each etc etc) Let me know if you like the new setup, or find anything wrong. -Jason
  5. Added
  6. So a while ago, I posted a topic about the closure of the Edmonton City Centre Airport. While the petition was a failure, the Edmonton Flying Club, (My school) warned that if closure was ruled, lawsuits would be pressed. And so, it's happening. CYXD may not be facing demolition. The battle isn't over! http://www.metronews.ca/edmonton/local/article/434455--flying-club-lets-lawsuits-fly-against-city-centre It makes you feel proud of your flying school. 8) -Jason
  7. As of now, the only place I ever fly is within Alberta. (Thanks to the Canadian Rockies scenery) I mainly practice in the sim what I learn in flight school. I try to do it as many times as I can to get the general idea drilled into my head. I find however, I can't quite fly in X-Plane as good as I can in real life. :-\ Occasionally I take a medium-heavy and do some regional flights. Particular favourites are the DA-42, Mu-2, Default Cessna 172, and the SeaMax. -Jason
  8. I don't know how anyone can sit in front of the computer for longer than three hours! Of the basic liveries I've made (Which are no longer existent) I have taken no more than three hours, and I needed breaks in between! I need to do something active or I'll go crazy! (Bravo to those who actually devote so much time to their hobby! 30 Hours +? )
  9. I miss the Air Canada 747s. Was about 4 and a half when I flew trans-atlantic to London Heathrow from Toronto on one of the 747's. IMO, this plane wouldn't be the same without an Air Canada livery. Looking stunning too. I can't imagine the work load the rest of those panels will put on you. - Jason
  10. All added
  11. Added
  12. Paul, Jazz actually has four colours, Red, Yellow, Orange, and Green. If Javier were to create a corporate livery, it would be just that, a livery. I highly doubt Javier would go so far out of his way as to add a completely remodelled corporate interior. Remember, this plane is a CRJ-200. The definition of it: The Bombardier CRJ100 and CRJ200 are a family of regional airliners manufactured by Bombardier. Notice it says Airliner. So when Javier makes the 200, he intends it to be a regional airliner. If he wants to make the corporate edition, he will say he is making the challenger 850. Here's the definition of the Challenger 850: The Bombardier Challenger 800 is one of the largest business aircraft offered by Bombardier Aerospace.
  13. I haven't yet gotten an email. Anxiously waiting! Sounds great!
  14. You can start by letting us know what Operating System you are using. If on Mac OSX, and launch from a dock, did you change the icon? In the past I have had issues were if I didn't change the icon, it would actually launch an older version of X-Plane. I was puzzled as to were an old X-Plane version would be stored, but with a simply icon change, I had it running the newest version. Good luck! - Jason
  15. Wow, I find that to be very strange. I do know in fact that it was a 200, as it clearly said so in the little pamphlet in the seat pocket. Perhaps the 3x1 was due to first class? Now I don't want to be offensive here, but when I was on there, a heavyset fellow was really uncomfortable on his 1 seat, so he requested to be moved to a 3 seat section. I remember then he took up two window seats, and a small girl sat on the farthest seat out. This is how I know for sure it was in fact 3x1. Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me here. Well, I remember going on a 3x1, but that's fine, just carry on as you were with the 2x2. Sorry for the confusion -Jason
  16. Hmm, that's very strange. I flew an Air Canada Jazz CRJ-200 from CYEG - CYWG (Edmonton Intl to Winnipeg Intl) That plane had a 3x1 arrangement. I also flew an ERJ-145 that had a 3x2 arrangement. (A little off topic ) I was very confused by the arrangement of the CRJ, and found it odd, but it was in fact so. I cannot find a chart of the arrangement anywhere however. That's perfectly Ok if the seating is 2x2. I was just under the impression that most CRJ's had 3x1. All three times i've been on the CRJ, they have all been 3x1. (I flew a 200 from CYEG - CYGW and then 2 200s from KORD - CYWG - CYEG)
  17. Javier, just out of curiosity, are you doing only the one seating arrangement? Of the three times I've been on the CRJ-200, the seating has always been three rows of seats on one side, and one row on the other. Sounds kind of strange that they'd do that. Looking excellent otherwise! Can't wait to buy her!
  18. How come you didn't just put it into the panel? ???
  19. $40 is well within a price range I am looking at. Let's say you buy two planes of alright quality for 19.99 each. So you get some good flight dynamics and default instruments. You feel like your in a 2002 simulator! So why not buy one plane more than 5x the size of the little planes, with mind-blowing programming, animation, and flight dynamics, that actually makes you feel like your in the plane!?
  20. The one thing I think would be cool would be openable windows. (Great idea Maxime!) It wouldn't be too bad of a FPS hit if you could get a small texture hooked up to a dataref or manipulator. (Don't know anything about either) Let's just say 256x256 Or you can add it in with the 2048x2048.
  21. Cameron, isn't it Ctrl . (Cmd for mac)? Whenever I take screenshots in different programs, I just press Cmd Shift 4. (Mac) When I do that, a crosshair comes up and you simply select the area you want to capture. Simple. I don't see why you would ever pay for screenshot capture software. Now all we need is built in video capture...
  22. I'm not quite sure WHAT i'm reerring to! WHatever it is he did that made the hangar textures pop out. I'll just call it embossing them.
  23. Well, it looks good anyways. I quite like the normal map (?) effect you have on there. It greatly enhances the hangar. -Jason
  24. Ola, On comment #19, picture 2, I have a question. Are the textures on the dome hangar embossed? Because when I look at the textures, it seems to me like they are popping out a bit compared to the rest. It looks great though.
  25. The links don't work for me. Both bring up a "page not found" message. :-\
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