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Everything posted by JBalsa

  1. Gah! I've mistaken left and right once again! > Bottom right of the photo was what I meant to say. Here's a close up of the compartment in the Cessna I fly, of course they vary allot. -Jason
  2. Good work so far! Dont forget the small emergency kit compartment in the bottom left of the cabin. (This is a particularly ugly example, but it works) http://hampage.hu/repules/muszerfal/SJG2.jpg
  3. Absolutely! ;D
  4. Hey Airbus, Will that tail skid protector be in the final version? I've never seen any 152 use such a bizarre looking piece of equipment! And if we are requesting liveries, I have an easy one I'd like to see come to fruition. Looking awesome so far! -Jason
  5. Yeah Ivan you'll run X-Plane fine. Hell you'll run it more than fine! I run X-Plane rather good and I am using a Radeon 2600 Pro with only 256mb vram and I run X-Plane at 1920x1200 with all settings set to medium-high. X-Plane has a tendency to be frame rate friendly, even with the most frame sucking add ons. Good Luck -Jason
  6. JBalsa


    Not sure if you would be willing to pay this much, but GoFlight has a nice quadrant for $400. http://www.goflightinc.com/ShowProduct.aspx?ID=7 -Jason
  7. Oh I get it! i thought with the close proximity to my post you were replying to my post. That setup can't be that bad. :-\ It seems well enough to run X-Plane on high settings. -Jason
  8. I know what an abacus is, I still don't know the reasoning behind your post. Are you just trying to tell me that I have a bad system or something?
  9. I beg your pardon? ???
  10. Been a while since i've posted anything! Im running (And have been running for the past three years) a 24 inch Aluminum iMac. -2.8 Ghz Dual-Core processor -4GB 667 Mhz SDRAM DDR2 RAM -ATI Radeon 2600HD Pro with 256 Mb VRAM at 16 GB Per Second. (PCIe 16x) -1TB Western Digital Caviar Black 7200 RPMs -Mac OSX 10.6.3 (500 Gb partition) -Windows 7 (500 Gb partition) I get around 30-40 FPS with X-Plane's textures at Very High and all other settings set medium-high. -Jason
  11. JBalsa

    Heinz 787

    Now at first I thought; 'Oh well this isn't so bad actually. Everything looks in place and I would expect that he followed references to build the plane! What could possibly be wrong?' I thought wrong. So when exactly Boeing change their quadrants to square shape how long ago? See for yourself! No better than freeware IMO. -Jason
  12. Aah. I see. Well I can deal with it. I wish the developers could fix this. To be told by the manufacturer NOT to install your program in the program files folder is just a little silly in my opinion. -Jason
  13. Herbumus, I have the same problem in Windows 7 X64 Ultimate. Run a windows 7 search of the entire system. I found out that X-Plane seemed to be storing pictures somewhere unusual on the harddrive.
  14. Fairings! That's the word i'm looking for! I've been sitting at my desk for 10 minutes trying to think of what they were called. ;D They look good. The brain plays funny tricks on you sometimes... -Jason
  15. Looks fantastic! I cant wait to fly her! I have a multitude of photos on the 152 if you need anything, and a 1979 POH if you need anything. -Jason P.S. Those are the strangest looking looking wheel covers i've ever seen!
  16. Oh, I thought that the newer model (Corvalis) did in fact have a coarse grain leather interior. Now that I have a comparison, it looks spot on! Looking forward to trying her out! -Jason
  17. Welcome to the forums Jim! Your 3-D work looks fantastic! Now I have a question for you from a rather critical stand point. Will those textures be updated in the future? I mean no offence when I say that the beige textured area looks a little bland. Perhaps a leather texture, similar to this one [ http://thumb7.shutterstock.com.edgesuite.net/photos/display_pic_with_logo/158335/158335,1218013116,1.jpg ] would suffice. IMO it would improve the look of the interior greatly. Looking forward to buying! (You've got my Sale ) -Jason
  18. Beautiful shots, Beautiful scenery, Beautiful plane! If you don't mind my asking, what kind of system do you run that allows you to run 1920x1200 at such high resolution, yet maintains 60 frames? -Jason
  19. I run both Mac and Windows via bootcamp. My 1TB Hard Drive is paired off into two operating systems. -Jason
  20. This time, X-Plane runs Windows 7. I am able to get much better performance out of my 24' iMac. -Jason
  21. I would absolutely love to see a Cessna 152. But then again, I'm biased. A C182, a DA42/40/20, and some good Pipers would be nice.
  22. I thought I'd put together some of the footage from my circuits at villeneuve, and post them on youtube! Here it is! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVNKCpJUgnw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=<object width="873" height="525"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVNKCpJUgnw&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999&hd=1&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVNKCpJUgnw&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999&hd=1&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="873" height="525"></embed></object>
  23. That feature was added in one of the later 9.2 releases. I know that because I am the one who requested it. Makes it a whole lot easier doesn't it? Azpdec, If you have an external display, there are some external GPS software kits out there. Some freeware, some payware. Unfortunately, they are only usable in 2D, and you need an external monitor. Free: http://ross-park.net/xgps/ Pay: http://www.reality-xp.com/flightsim/gns530-xpl/index.html -Jason
  24. Heino, This is only an update. All of the functionality of the plane will remain the same. Tom is simply adding some more visual effects. The GNS430 will still be compatible. -Jason
  25. I was actually about to ask! My Mom is Polish. :
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