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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. It's not a bug guys. This is just our representation of our heads spinning whichever way from all the projects and beta testing we have going on (like the Saab). If you don't like it, tough! Joking... Okay, we're looking into this and will likely issue an update relatively fast. Stay tuned.
  2. Hello, all, This will serve as a formal forum announcement that we have released the version 1.2 update for the Douglas DC-3. All customers who have purchased the Douglas DC-3 up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete installation instructions on how to update your product. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase the Douglas DC-3 from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 1.2 for you. What if I didn't get the update e-mail? If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do: 1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviati...talog/login.php 2. View your past order history invoice that contains the Douglas DC-3 purchase on it. 3. At the bottom of the invoice you will find a blue highlighted link to your update that says: "Douglas DC-3". There are some important fixes and requests implemented in this update. The following is a list of additions/fixes included: Quick reminders: New, friendlier activation systemX-Plane 10 compatible only64-bit compatible onlyOn the surface changes: Re-aligned flapsTrim indicator over-travel issue fixed Under the hood changes: Code optimizationsFlight model optimizations As always, thanks for being a customer with X-Aviation. We appreciate your feedback and support! Enjoy these latest updates, and stay tuned to the forum as we continually announce the latest happenings.
  3. http://forums.x-pilot.com/topic/5520-saab-340a-enters-beta-testing/?p=57624
  4. Saying that current leaders need to get erased vs. until they are erased (that doesn't imply bombs) does not mean the same thing.
  5. Compassion for Jim? Why? All he said was essentially the truth. I've spoke to a number of folks who have had the opportunity to visit N. Korea, as well as recently watched a documentary. The people there are shielded from the outside world. The USA is constantly called the "imperialists" and they teach their culture and people that their leader is feared by the rest of the world for his power, but loved by many for his ways of business. In fact, they have a museum set up to display gifts given to the "President" of N. Korea to display how well "liked" all over the world this person is. Everything there is a show, fake, and not real for tourists who visit. The propaganda there is absurd. They are taught things that cannot be verified by outside sources because they do not have the luxury of the internet or non-state run media like you and I do. Heck, they could launch a rocket today, be told by their own media that it struck down ships (when it really didn't), and the people would have nothing to go by on other than to believe what they were just told. That's how isolated it is.
  6. When Keith said comparison, this is not what he meant. He was talking about systems.
  7. Not yet. Time to allocate our time to testing and changes for now.
  8. This is the 'A' variant, which has neither. It's a challenge to fly with all the systems, and a 'B' variant has been discussed at a later time. It's a very complex aircraft, so don't let that fool you. There's a reason it's taken years to produce.
  9. Sorry, I do not understand this question. We are currently in beta testing.
  10. A few quick quotes from our beta test crew thus far (remember, a number of them fly the real deal!): - I LOVE that the AP is so accurate to the real thing. So good. - Wow guys, what a detailed model! This is a lot of fun for a nuts ´n bolts and systems freak like me. - I finally have had some time away from the real aircraft to sit down and fly this one. First impressions are that it is an incredible piece of work. The replication of the systems and the actual cockpit are amazing.
  11. Hi, Folks!, Today we're pleased to announce that earlier this week the Saab 340A had entered the beta testing stage! This means that a selected group of testers have been given copies of the aircraft for a more widespread testing phase of the final product, and to work out any bugs they may find. Our team consists of multiple Saab 340 pilots in the real world, as well as some well respected individuals in the community with technical expertise. For all of us on the team, this signifies a huge milestone! The Saab has been in development for over three years, and has gone through many phases of development, but with it comes an extremely complex, fun, study worthy aircraft! More importantly, this means there is light at the end of the tunnel! ...are you ready? Some quotes from our beta testers.
  12. Did you have trouble reading about it being a joke? These complaints of yours are invalid for today's current customer: http://blog.x-aviation.com/2012/11/gizmo-and-sasl/ You've made multiple recent purchases at X-Aviation that utilize Gizmo over the past few weeks. I'll bet you didn't even know they use Gizmo because of the problems you don't get...
  13. The CRJ was initially released with an agreement that X-Aviation was the launch distributor. This lasted for a better part of almost six months, and Gizmo's initial role was to handle customer database activations for this product. Keep in mind, for other products it actually was the driving force behind some simulated systems. As time does and has progressed, its purpose is expanding in many aircraft. So much so, that it's an essential tool to produce what are notably some of the most amazing add-ons in development and (some) currently previewed for any flight simulator to date. There's a few things to note here. Up until X-Plane 10.2 (basically when 64-bit came out around November of last year), Gizmo interfered with a number of plugins. Most noticeably of any of these was SASL. Gizmo and SASL both use the LUA library, and both used OpenAL for sound. This caused some major conflicts that were very hard to pin down, and in a lot of cases when the two were installed together, sound would go haywire to the point having them installed together was rather...annoying. It took a long time to pin down all the issues in this, mainly because we were years into the making already with Gizmo before SASL was around, and a lot had to be re-written and made better to fix these issues. Changes also had to be made on the Laminar side to accommodate both plug-ins. There are no longer conflicts that exist with Gizmo and other plugins. It took a lot of work, but we got there with an entirely new version of Gizmo. As time moves forward, you are going to see Gizmo used in a lot of the top add-ons being produced for X-Plane, and this extends into the systems simulation. There's nothing to be concerned about any longer (look up the date of the threads you see negative reaction on...they're old). Plainly put, it's not going away, and judging by the developers approaching us as of late, it's rapidly expanding. It's definitely reached its prime time. You can read more on the conflicts that used to be, and how/when we came to a resolution here: http://blog.x-aviation.com/2012/11/gizmo-and-sasl/ Hope this helps calm your nerves. We are extremely attentive to continually checking compatibility with add-ons these days...even one's we do not produce or sell, because we do not want to cause conflict and annoyance on others' computers. There are growing pains with anything you do to break the barriers in a market. We've finally nailed this issue and don't anticipate ever having to look back.
  14. As has been stated in past topics, we're happy to make it available on request. I have heard in recent time that Laminar rarely hears grief about VATSIM not being 64-bit. That is a concern to me, as instead of bugging developers for old tech and dealing with it, we should be pushing everyone forward. After all, this all started with Laminar's forward movement themselves! I think this topic has pretty much ran its course now. We all are aware of the current situation, and the product page is quite clear on what's available prior to purchase, as well as what to expect. I don't want to overpopulate such a simple topic that should have been just a question and answer with further confusion, so we'll close this with good resolution now. Thanks all!
  15. I think Santiago is the original poster, and the guy with the tone and posting negatively to my response is a different person. You're right about this part.
  16. I think the only one with a negative attitude in this topic is you. There is nothing wrong with what I stated, further backing it up to show the customer it is even advertised in such a way. How you perceived this as rude is baffling. As John has now already noted, it's there in pretty clear to see graphics, under the product purchase section.
  17. It's a novel idea, but I'll be very realistic with you and say the likelihood of us investing the time for it is next to nil at this point.
  18. Santiago, As you'll note on the product page, 32-bit is not compatible.
  19. This topic is now closed. I'm glad we could get to the bottom of this mess and clear Dan's AND Carenado's name from the bad accused of them. There is no tolerance for individuals who choose to take part in pirating aircraft here, as it hinders the good in our passion and hobby. As such, PilotHudson is banned without further notice. Thanks to Steven for investigating further and following up with responses as requested. If anyone has objections to this ban, please feel free to PM any admin here.
  20. Not really. Either his credibility gets shot, or we get to the bottom of it. Either way the outcome and resolution is good for the community. The title has to do with immaturity. X-Plane is filled with younger people. That's part of it.
  21. Should be fixed.
  22. Coolio. Thanks!
  23. This sounds as though you've discussed this with Dan? Did the OP purchase the product or not?
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