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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. Okay, we're getting somewhere! That tells me this is not related to aircraft at least. Unfortunately the only way to narrow this down will be to move plugins one at a time from the _bak folder to the new plugins folder. I would love to know what the culprit is here, and really appreciate your time!
  2. @Fab10, Thanks for the report! Can you please try the same with a default aircraft in the cockpit? Like the Cirrus Jet.
  3. All great information, guys. Thanks! @Motosuwa and @OuterMarker, While we test, can you both do me a favor here? Let's rename your plugins folder to plugins_bak, then create a new folder called 'plugins'. Move SilverLining and Gizmo64.plugin from plugins_bak to plugins. Now start X-Plane. Does this in any way improve the situation? Can you both also tell me which version of Gizmo you opted for?
  4. Hi, yes. I'm not saying this is permanent. We're on day one here and I don't know what in ASXP was causing to flip out. Mind you, this was on ONE machine. While we diagnose, I just need to make sure we gather common problems and get this all noted. Can you please try without ASXP active/on at all?
  5. @Motosuwa @OuterMarker To confirm, you selected the options in BOTH the overcast and cumulus texture selection windows, then applied, correct? Just want to make sure I have the points right so we can get to work on trouble shooting this. In these situations, your perf should be like that of SMP v4.
  6. I actually just had a report of this same situation. The culprit in the moment seemed to be ASXP for some reason.
  7. Can you go into your SkyMaxx Pro settings and switch the volumetric option to something like 'fast' in the cumulus and overcast texture selection menus? Does it actually cause a difference in this case?
  8. That's strange! Can both of you provide us with your X-Plane rendering setting options (screenshots), as well as what GPU's you're running?
  9. I wonder if this is playing a role. For test purposes, can you lower this? Also, are you by chance using ASXP or FSGRW?
  10. Firstly, no. You can simply change the cloud types in the SMP v5 settings. You do not need to go back to v4. Secondly, I'd like to understand more about your system. 40 to 4 in Vulkan, but only down to 22 in OpenGL seems...weird. What are your X-Plane rendering settings and SkyMaxx Pro settings?
  11. When it comes to unsubscribing, our entire system runs off of it. This includes newsletters, discount codes, and update notices. Please contact support@x-aviation.com. If you'd like to opt back in please also mention that in your message.
  12. @manidep271 I can't find an account with your forum e-mail, so you'll need to contact support@x-aviation.com @fog You unsubscribed from our e-mails in 2017. This would be the cause there.
  13. SkyMaxx Pro v5 has been released! That brings this thread to a close. Enjoy!
  14. Hi @julian1992, In this situation you would buy both, and in the Real Weather settings of SkyMaxx Pro, select ASXP (this option is only present with Real Weather Connector installed).
  15. Prior to release you will receive a discount code to utilize during checkout and receive your upgrade price. Things get easily passed up when they're not common, and we believed we had this one potentially buttoned up. It's been quite a while, so I don't think any of us really remembered it since. And, at this point we're "here", so is what it is. I'm certainly not going to spend time trying to argue your other points out given what I've just said. The only thing I have to add is, while we DO care about VR (very evident by the continued commitment), it is a very small sliver of the market and that's not lost on me in comparison to other busy dev work going on. Each flight I did utilized real weather. Go figure that others were not represented in these winter months of flying in the USA, but my primary focus was volumetric 3D GPU ray-casting and showing airliners at higher altitudes. SkyMaxx v5 retains old cloud types, including Cirrus, Cumulus, Stratus, Cumulonimbus and Towering Cumulus. Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback and for your past loyalty. Since you've been around from v2, this process should feel familiar. The 60 day window has always been a thing over the years. That's no different here, and while it's not going to change, I still appreciate you taking the time to reply.
  16. That error is related to you installing Catalina since installing RWC. Catalina cannot run 32-bit apps, which the old uninstaller is. Simply delete the Real Weather Connector uninstaller file located in X-Plane/X-Aviation.
  17. Frank was optimistic about it, but only cautiously: The update he was referring to is indeed v5. As we can't reproduce it on our end, I can't give you a firm answer other than we hope so.
  18. Hello All, This will serve as a formal forum announcement that we have released the version 1.2 update for Real Weather Connector. All customers who have purchased Real Weather Connector up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete instructions on how to obtain your update. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase Real Weather Connector from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 1.2 for you. What if I didn't get the update e-mail? If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do: 1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/account_history.php 2. Find your original Real Weather Connector download and re-download the file. It will download as the latest version! The following is a list of additions/fixes included: What's New / Changed: Added support for SkyMaxx Pro v5 (RWC will know which version of SkyMaxx Pro you're using and work accordingly) Updated core components and code in the installer phase As always, thanks for being a customer with X-Aviation. We appreciate your feedback and support! Enjoy these latest updates, and stay tuned to the forum as we continually announce the latest happenings.
  19. That is covered in the announcement.
  20. Or get a new GPU. I guess maybe Nvidia. I have AMD, but on Mac, so the drivers in use are different. That doesn't mean anything. A quick dump of information from a Laminar developer on how bad AMD can be at times: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/220903-1150b14-release-notes-its-now-out/&do=findComment&comment=1989395 You may also want to make sure you're at least running this version or higher of drivers: https://x-plane.helpscoutdocs.com/article/110-x-plane-11-50-amd-driver-fix
  21. Yes, I'm sure. Various products access your GPU in certain ways. Some more advanced than others. So, to try and apply how one product does things over another isn't really useful here. I do believe AMD is also known to have issues in Vulkan from what Laminar has said. This can also be playing a role.
  22. This video shows what appears to be GPU corruption. You can see the GPU briefly "lose signal", which is likely a hardware failure. I'm closing this topic. You can continue the discussion here in your original thread:
  23. I suspect this is a problem with the AMD card. Either the card itself is going bad, or the drivers are bad. This is definitely not something wrong with the product.
  24. Again, I don't think there is a "fix" we can provide. This seems to be a local issue with your computer, not an issue with the product. What kind of graphics card do you have?
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