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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. No, you don't have a reply because you sent it yesterday so it hasn't come up in the queue yet. The error you have is because your text size in Windows is too large. Lower the text and restart the installer.
  2. Well, yes, really... But, you also gave no description of the issue!
  3. I don't even know who are, and I don't care if anyone uses xEnviro. No one gets their downloads or activations locked for using it either. That is a bold face lie. Either you have shared files or your downloads simply expired and you didn't backup your software. You sending "infinite" emails will ensure you don't get a reply though.
  4. Well, what does the contact page say about response times when you click Request Reset? For that matter, did you just decide to ignore the big text presented to you after you submitted your ticket?
  5. You do not need to uninstall. You may make clones.
  6. Can you show a screenshot and attach your log.txt file located in your X-Plane folder?
  7. Exactly what is horrible service? You started a post in an entirely different section of these forums days ago. http://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/12422-help-ixeg-activation/?do=findComment&comment=116481 YOU have not responded. People have tried to help you!
  8. Did you even run the installer?
  9. That's a classic example of a GPU going bad on the Mac side.
  10. SMP4 does not adjust anything in the night landscape.
  11. http://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/10276-wingflex/?do=findComment&comment=112887
  12. Each and every e-mail you have sent in falls within the window of normal reply time. Each time you send a new e-mail, you bump yourself back to the bottom of the response queue. Sending 4 e-mails as you have over the last few days has not helped your case, so have patience and don't continue bombarding the ticket system with more of the same.
  13. No. Frank was quite clear as to why but I think your limited knowledge of programming is not allowing you to understand why his explanation actually makes sense as to why your request cannot be done.
  14. I don't know Laminar's official "policy" on this since XP 11 is so new, but I'm pretty sure it was 10 miles to keep your sim running smooth. But yes, it would be X-Plane dropping it, not us. That said, X-Plane 11 is still in its infancy and I would expect big improvements in the next weeks to month on the performance side, which should ultimately alleviate this. Of course, none of this applies if you're actually using X-Plane 10. If that's the case then I'd be scratching my head.
  15. Boy, that sounds like a very old install. Can you take a screenshot just to be sure?
  16. RWC downloads weather from NOAA (only if Always is selected). It will not mess with X-Plane visibility. If you are using X-Plane 11 then X-Plane will auto drop your visibility to preserve performance.
  17. This is definitely the best advice.
  18. The forums are used specifically for general support and not attempts to check up or speed an inquiry through the channel. People have a knack for coming in here even 30 minutes after writing a support ticket saying they get no support, or falling to mention they have been caught with piracy. This said, we hope you had a great holiday with family and we'll catch up with what's in the queue quite soon. Further topics will indeed be removed for the reasons stated above.
  19. Well, no offense, but this product has sold thousands of copies over the years. Given that, I think it's safe to say you're doing something wrong or else we'd be hearing about this left and right.
  20. Correct, 737s do not have RAT.
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