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Cameron last won the day on December 13

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  • Birthday July 20

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  1. G'day Cameron.

    Just read your response.

    I have filed 2 requests now via your support system if thats what you call it.

    I am appalled at your initial post why? Because waiting for now 7 days for a product i legally purchased then used your system twice via your support ticket system which clearly hasnt worked is "MY PROBLEM"?

    I am not  dickhead i am an real world A-320 Captain ex 330 as well and certainly know how to put in a support request.

    Feel free to check my website www.vortexaviationphotography.com if you would like "proof" of that unless i somehow can get flightdeck acces on hundreds of occasions of the last 20 years.

    I again have filed now 2 support requests via your system off the hotlink next to the 737 under my downloads.

    Firstly your assertion that i have an agenda if complete rubbish i just want to download a product i have purchased legally and from many of my posts here and elsewhere enjoyed a lot.

    This is the bullshit that gives xaviation a bad reputation.

    I file a support request get no response not even an email to acknowledge my support request.

    Then i post on your boards after waiting 6 days for some kind of response and i am accused of causing trouble because your system clearly isn't working.

    You accuse me of lying and not lodging a support request even though i have lodged two!!!!!

    My original request was lodged last Thursday Australia time. My second request was lodged last Sunday some 72 hours later.

    Its now 7 days later and still the product remains unable to be downloaded.

    I have no barrow to push I just want access to a product i legally purchased only 7 months ago.

    If you feel to deny me that because I am not prepared to take second class service having used your support system which has obviously failed in this case(7 days from my original request now 4 days from my second one) go right ahead.

    What would i have to gain by criticizing a product I have recommended to so many people? Well? Or would you like me to prove that as well?

    When you accuse someone of lying(prove you put in a request) and I mean how can i prove i did when your system doesnt even send an acknowledgement of of the request?

    I guess this is my fault as i expected X-Aviation to support its customers.


    Captain Darren Howie



    1. Cameron


      What you do in your life as a profession is of no interest to me. Quite frankly, I don't think others care either.

      The instructions as to what to do for you were in the post I replied to. Either do as suggested to get a support ticket in, or move on from trolling.

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