I'd like to reply and rebut that review. Perhaps one of the most poorly modeled aircraft of X-Plane, I got to try this one out on a friend's computer. The exterior model doesn't matter much in the way of simulation, but it is extremely low quality. the cockpit is well built but the textures make it look like the "Virtual Cockpit" view from FS95 (yes, I have used FS95, it's what I fell in love with flight simulation because of). As I have never flown a real Il96, I can't say "It's unrealistic." Lets just say I can only assume that a quad-engine wide bodied jetliner wouldn't feel like a Cessna 150 (the only plane I've ever flown in real life) but apparently the Il96 does. Impressive for the Russians if it is so, I'd love to try my hand at it in real life. Yet again a Ramzzess or whatever he calls himself falls way below even freeware quality, much like his 787.