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  1. If you use the VR controllers, all the switches work except the ones that have 3 position (ex: audio test 1, audio test 2, return to center). None of them are critical to normal operations, I just skip these tests. If you don't want to use VR controllers, you need a hell of a lot of buttons on your joysticks or be able to use your keyboard blind, because, well, this plane has a lot of buttons! For some reason, the throttle absolutely requires a joystick. If I move it up with a VR controller it snaps right back to zero, even if I removed the throttles from all joystick axis. Also thrust reversers are not usable with VR controllers, you must bind it to a joystick button. The popups: fuel guy, phone for Jenny do not appear in VR. You need to go back to 2D to use them. I don't use Jenny, and I start with the fuel guy and finish it before I go into VR (or go out and back in) Do not enter VR until you exit the FBO and are outside next to the plane. So, far from perfect, but still doable if you don't mind the compromises. It is absolutely awesome to fly this bird in VR. You just feel so "present". It's like you can feel it's weight and inertia. I would not wait, knowing what I know. It's perfectly ok to wait too. Hope this helps. PS: I fly with G2
  2. @jrrogers do you know if it is still possible to change the title of this post? Maybe "All 3 way switches not returning to center in VR (ADG Auto deploy, lamp test and others)" I fear just "lamp test in VR" does not seem to draw all the attention this issue should get. Thanks!
  3. Just for additional context here. The fixes have been posted by the community as file modifications in the past. So it is but just a quick matter for the team to integrate these corrections in the next build. (See this post) @Goran_M approved these modifications so he is aware of this. He probably just forgot about this minor fix to integrate. In any case, it would be very appreciated by every VR flyer out there if this little fix was integrated. We can wait for the phone, popups and all the other stuff until the team gets to VR proper. But the switches not working is really annoying and easy to fix AFAIK. Thanks!
  4. Hi folks, Is it me or did the 3 way switches stop working with 1.5.2?
  5. That’s what I did and it works. I can’t wait for these files to be put in the official release. I wonder what’s the holdback at this point?
  6. So what's the best thing to do now? Use "our" vr config file and still overwrite the cockpit.obj with ours or just use our vr config file?
  7. I can confirm that's exactly what it was as I had done a go around previously. Maybe a little additional detail to help Toto out: the ongoing double checklist calling out continued even after I shutdown x-plane and restarted it. It eventually stopped by itself.
  8. Hi folks, I’m on the ground, just started up the APU and when I do next item in checklist the FO does the correct one and some other item from the landing checklist. He calls out both at the same time. I tried both restart options but it still does it. Anyway I can « hard reset » the checklists?
  9. Awesome, thanks for the update.
  10. Is it like that with Oculus headsets? I use the G2 and every time I start X-plane I just have to pray the thing will work. (Not C650 related) If it's just for WMR headsets, I really hope Laminar will give the headsets some love for XP12...
  11. The vr config modifications do that. If it’s still to sensitive for you can tweak it yourself. Just change the settings called degrees per action.
  12. I did not know that @sparker256! I love x-checklist and I use it in the TBM. Thanks. The checklist config files of the C650 are modifiable. There are some parts of the checklist where the F/O continues when the switch is OK so I guess we could add that to the parts of the checklist where he always waits for our input. I am even thinking of making him work the checklists (or part of them) before taxi.
  13. I find the chart zoom button is not working with the controllers. Is it because I don't have the latest updated files? Otherwise great job for all the teleport spot placements and switches, it is just AWESOME to fly the 650 in VR . The modeling, the sounds, the systems. Oh my god, simply next level of immersion!!! THANK YOU TOTO AND @Goran_M!!!! My #1 sim dream of having a biz jet finally came true in the form of the BEST add-on ever, and from no other than my favorite add-on developers of all time. Cherry on top is it's the Challenger and I am from Québec, based in CYUL.
  14. I was convinced it was a pump (even though I was staring at Toto's diagram), but now I realize it's because I was confusing that valve with the transfer ejectors that supply the mains from the AUX. I never realized the AUX tank's top went higher than the wings. Given that's the case and it's a valve, it is logical that the flow goes to the main if the AUX is full. This matches with what is happening in my diagrams. You can see that in shots 1, 2 and 3, the AUX is 94%, 93% and 92% full and the flow is going to the mains. The AUX is empty in my last screenshot and the flow is going to it. It is very confusing because the wording in the 605 manual available online is "Pushing the L (R) TO AUX XFLOW switch/light opens a valve which allows fuel flow from the selected wing tank into the auxiliary tank. Fuel is then evenly distributed by the transfer ejectors to both LEFT and RIGHT main tanks." and it's exactly what Toto said in one of his streams as he was rebalancing his fuel in flight. It mattered at the time because as I played with the systems for hours, I kept the APU running and I ended up in a situation where I had a huge imbalance between right and left which I had to fix before T/O. I still have a problem because I planned a short flight and now I am 6 tons above max landing weight. I guess I'll fly close to VNE at 12,000 ft to burn fuel like crazy! Toto's systems make you learn the hard way and I love it. I'm looking forward to the consultant's confirmation. Please, send him all my thanks for his awesome dedication to the project as you mentioned in your marathon stream. Famous last words indeed... I'll remove the BUG tag for now.
  15. @Graeme_77, just want to make sure you see this. THIS time, I'm sure it's a bug and not me! (famous last words... )
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