Hey thanks everyone for the advise.
Apart for skunkcraft updater and SkyMaxx Pro XP11.26 on my rig is vanilla.
Nvidia control panel is XP11 vsync is set Adaptive (half refresh rate) I prefer solid 30 fps in all conditions that 30 - xx fps fluctuating, this is why I've been noticing the random microstutters while panning around the cockpit.
After more test I noticed what I did to start the microstutters, I pushed the softkey on the G1000, when the map came up the stutters started, turn the battery off and the stutters stopped.
After reloading XP11 I watched the TBM screens start up when power was applied and spotted what was happening on a bad load up, the screen were starting then after a few seconds going black then restarting, I would get stutters when this happened.
When the TBM system screens loaded without going black then restarting no stutters would occur when the G1000 softkey was hit and the TBM ran smooth with no stutters.