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About blizzard84

  • Birthday 11/26/1984

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  1. EnQ, just saw this and checking to see if you've been able to create something?
  2. So is it truly for 11.5 beta only? I'm currently running stable.
  3. Exactly the answer I was looking for. Like you said, the HMB SR22 is an awesome machine, but I always like to see healthy competition. Sounds like your aircraft will offer a different set of high quality features, many of which I like to see. Very much looking forward to the release!
  4. I want to preface by saying I mean nothing negative because your work looks great, but I have a question for you guys. I'm sure you've already heard of the SR-22 that was just released by HoldMyBeer. Now I understand they modeled a G6 and yours is modeling the G3, but with those differences aside, what about your aircraft will stand out over theirs? Essentially, why should I get yours when it's released?
  5. Plan on having a Memorial Day/Weekend sale in conjunction with the new release?
  6. I don't care about the sales figure, I was just curious about the number of planes sold. If the devs wish to keep that number a secret because they don't want people to know their income, fine. It's just impressive the amount of liveries, reviews, videos, etc. this release has created, which naturally triggered my curiosity on how many virtual hangers this has filled.
  7. Not sure how it's a silly question, it would be interesting to see how many copies have been sold seeing how big of a release this plane is to the community. If you can't be polite about things maybe you shouldn't respond.
  8. Is there a way to find out how many copies they have sold thus far?
  9. I came here looking for updates of possible release, pictures, etc. and ended up reading through a whole page of what the cost is going to be. Both Jan and Cameron already addressed that and whatever it'll be will have to do. You can accept it or not so let it be.
  10. I know I mentioned in the other thread what I would like to see, but I have to admit an F-14 would be nice
  11. There are a few planes I would love to see you build. A T-38 Talon or the Gulfstream G650 or G550 T-38 Talon: http://richard.ferriere.free.fr/3vues/t38_3v.jpg G650: http://www.flightglobal.com/airspace/media/businessaircraftcutaways/images/20619/gulfstream-g650-cutaway.jpg G550: http://www.flightglobal.com/airspace/media/businessaircraftcutaways/images/5944/gulfstream-g550-cutaway.jpg Out of those though, I would def. say the T-38 first
  12. simply amazing.. one question, those planes that you didn't show the pit for, are they going to have a 3d cockpit?
  13. I don't have this plane so I can't say on it for sure, but I have seen this problem with other xplane aircraft.. the Embraer 140 for example
  14. good news, looks like a fun plane
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