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Everything posted by Douglas.Matos

  1. Chris k, incredible! Have any tutorial of how to do this? I'm learning developer in the world of X-plane ... (Sorry so many questions)
  2. chris k are you using some program to generate photoreal? If yes, what would it be? Incredible!
  3. Any news about the update?
  4. Great Great Great! Thanks!
  5. You will kill me heart '*-* I want Skymaxx Pro 2 hahahaha!!!!
  6. When? When? When? My god perfect!!!!
  7. I had solved the problem by uninstalling and installing my X-plane yet again gave the same error, no longer know what to do. 10:25 X-plane! Any help? :\
  8. Use the direct official installer site recently downloaded again from site to see if it was a problem with my installer itself, but by the way not right hehehehehe .... the problem is the same license not working. I emailed both now and orders@x-aviation.com / Support@SkyMAXX-Extreme.com, now do not understand why this happened only with an upgrade of the simulator? Well, I hope to answer them by email! I appreciate the help of everyone here, I see I can count on you even with my horrible english hahaha! When they answer me post the message to you.
  9. Hey buddy you discovered my problem hahahahaha, "Skymaxx Pro license check failed. Clouds will be disabled." But why did this happen? Just updated my X-plane and happened all these problems, what really should I do? I sent an email yesterday to "Support@SkyMAXX-Extreme.com" but you went another that is "orders@x-aviation.com" what I really have?
  10. Friends do not understand any more, I went back to version checks that 10:25 would work normally, behold, I am surprised! I installed it and did not work! See the pictures http://s1365.photobucket.com/user/DouglasMatos/media/RealWeather1025_zps5e81b9ff.jpg.html?filters[user]=136815765&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0 http://s1365.photobucket.com/user/DouglasMatos/media/X-plane1025_zps1a428f02.jpg.html?filters[user]=136815765&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=1 http://s1365.photobucket.com/user/DouglasMatos/media/ConfigsKYMAXX_zpsd86b7aa8.jpg.html?filters[user]=136815765&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=2 I no longer know what can happen, it happened after I updated to B2/B3 10:30 to 10:25 but came back and still nothing working, what do recommend?
  11. I will do the steps you gave me .... but what I wonder is why this is happening only when I am with Skymaxx? I uninstalled it and the weather is normal and does not understand :\
  12. No matter the time and place for me is the whole world with a clear sky .... see the images below. http://s1365.photobucket.com/user/DouglasMatos/media/RealWeatherDownload_zps83e16d5c.png.html?filters[user]=136815765&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0 http://s1365.photobucket.com/user/DouglasMatos/media/LocalMap_zps6c0a4aea.jpg.html?filters[user]=136815765&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=1 http://s1365.photobucket.com/user/DouglasMatos/media/WeatherinCuritiba_zpsb603721b.jpg.html?filters[user]=136815765&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=2 http://s1365.photobucket.com/user/DouglasMatos/media/Menu_zps7ecd0dae.jpg.html?filters[user]=136815765&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=3 http://s1365.photobucket.com/user/DouglasMatos/media/RealWeather_zpsfd6e89d4.jpg.html?filters[user]=136815765&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=4 http://s1365.photobucket.com/user/DouglasMatos/media/Curitiba_zps8b36bcb5.jpg.html?filters[user]=136815765&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=5 I tried to put images here but I do not speak for authorization extensions for JPEG images. This is the link to my METAR.rwx: https://mega.co.nz/#!CQVjwLZK!2wCvBkgwW3nOdGZcr7W09qEN5y0l7wWYrE195WzsZcs
  13. Friends, my version Skymaxx 10:25 was working perfectly but when I upgraded to X-plane 10:30 B3/B2/B1 the program was apparently normal but no more cloud appeared in the sky, what is happening can? Have reinstalled several times and still could not make it work. I need help: ( Sorry my english: x
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