incredible? I tried the demo at 16 and it was awful, ESP at 2000. big coverage but. hurry up Realscenery and any other projects.. Hmm strange, I tried it and was rather amazed Yesterday I tried some of the spanish scenery also to be found there, and it depends wich tiles you loaded. There is no color correction etc. done to the images, so while some areas really looked good, others were very pale or showed wrong colors. The resolution itself is obviously a compromise between the facts of size and qualitiy. Not bad a at all I would say, if you want to install it all. You can do better with tools like Gmaps though if you take the time and effort and create small areas only. So I think I'll come back to the site when there is a region I am going to fly often - it might be worth to have a look at their photo scenery. Yeah I mean, it's freeware and you download and bam it's there. I love G2XPL as it's useful, but it can be a big pain to set up and use for big sceneries.