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Everything posted by Oliver

  1. Can't wait for the CRJ Wombat!
  2. There's no other feeling like real flying... It's not describable in words... you have to experience it to know what it's like
  3. Yeah you vote people up or down. You're at 48 ;D
  4. Yup, that's the only downside to it but since this is basically the first realistic Airbus cockpit I'm bound to get it
  5. Sure has! You can read more about it on peter's website
  6. Thanks! And yeah, well it's very well worth it! It's a great plane, and it's coming out with an update soon giving it full FBW
  7. Matthews.. I am sorry but my plans are not to correct that "bug". For me is not a bug. For me is the best default external model of a 747-400 you can find in any simulator. Included Microsoft flight simulator all versions. And the time it takes for me to correct it would be less time on other things that we consider much more important to do. For sure you will find the perfect 747-400 from commertial vendors, because we want vendors to make planes and addoms on x-plane. But for me is really the best default 747 already. When you build things.. or model things.. or you are in projects you must pay attention on details.. but if you put too much attention, you can make the project die. That is something I have learned and are still learning. But who think something is good enough? We could say that costumers are always right.. but because every person has his own opinions then the one that is right is the chief of the project, and I think he is very pleased with my work already. Anyway... for sure you will enjoy taking photos of it on next x-plane10. About my reputation as AAA developer. Sorry but I never thought about reputation and don't care too much about it. I try not to mantain a reputation. I try to enjoy working in what I love. But you know.. I can "love a girl".. and other could hate the same girl!! hehe best! Javier Javier, I have to say I admire you greatly, with everything you do and say! Your way to deal with questions or comments and such always makes me look up to you! I love your reasoning and the way you say you try to enjoy working rather than try to earn a very good reputation, if you have fun with it chances are you're gonna be more motivated to work, and chances are it's gonna end up looking great in the end. The CRJ speaks for itself (so does the Mentor, Seamax etc) it shows your way with modeling, and how much of a genius you are at it. I truly admire you Javier, you're like a superhuman who has descended on Earth ;D
  8. Hi all, I saw this on the org when my friend sent me a link to it http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=47867 Looks as if Peter\ ramzzess are working on an 3D pit for the A380! And it looks damn good! I'm ecstatic about this! Give your thoughts on it
  9. Yeah, and I don't believe there is a cntrl-alt-delete reset for the Airbus.. Hahaha!
  10. Congrats and good luck! LOL Simon!
  11. Oliver


    That's the first thing I thought of too! Dutch Harbor + C208 = major happiness
  12. I have the scenery as well, so I can answer for him ;D It's the Manhattan Scenery. It was on the DM a few months back but they removed it. Nout and I managed to download it before it was removed Oliver
  13. Oliver

    Project 3

    Hehe sorry! I meant programming! That's what I get for short nights because of school
  14. Oliver

    Project 3

    Theo = Texturing and modeling (edited by Goran) Goran = Modeler and amazing dude who put the planes together Cam = Put up one of the best XP forums on the internet ;D
  15. Oliver

    Project 3

    You owe me a new keyboard Goran :'(
  16. Oliver

    Project 3

    AHH!!!!!!!!!! beautiful!!!!!
  17. Simply great! Thanks!!
  18. Thanks! Gonna go put it on my org account right now!
  19. Oliver

    757 Flight

    Thanks! And yeah we just added it to the fleet, and according to our fleet manager Morten has just officially given the OK for us to upload the livery to the site! Safe flights!
  20. Oliver

    757 Flight

    Just a little flight between LFPG and TNCM in Boeing 757 in Zon Executive colors. Tell me what you think about the angles and such Watch in HD!
  21. Thanks Cameron, for making us all drool while you have all the fun ;D Jk! Looks great ! Can't wait to fly my fleet of XA aircrafts over Oahu!
  22. Nah, I just put a 742 in front of me while I was on final using AI Aircraft, and it just happened to turn away in front of me
  23. Javier.... I watched this video and I.....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLnWf1sQkjY&ob=av3e OMG So beautiful! The shuttle, the 747 everything ahhhhhh I'm speechless!
  24. Go around of Evergreen 742 at KLAX due to landing gear failure. Closely followed by A332
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