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Everything posted by Oliver

  1. Hi everyone, I've got good news as of 1pm yesterday... I'm finally a private pilot! I had been in conflict with the FAA for months after an examiner had taken his fee and refused to do my check ride exam. Luckily, after researching other examiners, I finally found a great and professional examiner in Winter Haven, Florida. The examiner's name is Chuck Brown and him and his brother operate and own a seaplane base directly on Winter Haven airport. The oral portion was the part that had me most stressed out but it ended up going nearly flawlessly apart from a few questions that I fumbled with to find an answer. Luckily I had prepared and had my FAR/AIM handy and was able to find the answers within a reasonable amount of time. The flight portion had a few minor hiccups as well but overall went very well like the oral. I stayed within my minimums and maintained within PTS standards for the duration of the flight. Overall, it was an experience that I had stressed about before taking, but now that I know how a check ride works, I'll definitely be less stressed for my instrument exam in a few months. Planning to have my IR done by October and my commercial pilot license by May of next year! Olivier C.
  2. With all due respect, what the hell is your problem... you have so much built up emotions towards other forum members for absolutely no valid reason. Either you're very young and don't understand much about the world, or you're just an angry person.
  3. And by that statement we also get clued in on how old you are... You'll learn how to act properly as you get older... (One can hope).
  4. Awesome, thanks! I'll have a look into it.
  5. Hi everyone, I wanted to create this thread that is non related to X-Plane to see how many members on the forum had started their own businesses. Business and aviation are two of my passions that I've decided to take into full effort. Next year I will be taking a leap of faith to create my second business that will mainly focus on selling and delivering airplanes. We will focus on the entire process from searching for a plane up until the new owner has the keys and the plane in his hands. This will be my second venture as my first is a website essentially dedicated to providing clients with an extremely simple and easy way to find an attorney for their DUI and traffic ticket needs. We launched a month ago and have received some pretty good traffic and exposure thus far. Obviously it's still in its infancy stage but it's definitely a good feeling to start your own business and watch it grow after the sleepless nights of work put into it. I dropped out of college to pursue this passion as well as my passion for aviation. My decision to drop out of college was a very strong one for me to make, yet I felt that in this economy, spending $80k+ on a "regular" education. I was doing my flight training prior to entering college and stopped after I started college. After only 2 semesters, I realized that I couldn't continue. I decided to drop out and pursue my passion for flight and ultimately get all my licenses to start my plane brokering and ferry flight company. So far we've received quite a bit of interest on it, and I will be tackling the project with a friend who's wife is the VP of one of the largest flight schools in the world. Aviation is such a small world that I believe with the right connections, we'd be able to land enough contracts to make a quite successful business. Nonetheless, while I'm writing the business plan and the framework for this company, I'm moving forward with my flight training as well as my attorney business. If anyone is more interested in my attorney business, I've included the link below. If you receive a ticket or a DUI you can basically email us and we can research and find you an attorney anywhere in the country. We also are building our own attorney directory with very clean and easy profiles. When I built the site, my main focus was the sheer simplicity. I had visited so many poorly designed sites that made it so complicated to find the right attorney in your area. It requires less than 3 clicks from the time you're on our home page to the time you can be on the phone with an attorney. I also worked tirelessly to make it fully mobile optimized so that a user could be pulled over on the side of the road and already be on the phone with an attorney that can help them. So my question is this, how many of you have started and now run your own businesses? Olivier C. Site: www.DriverDefense.com
  6. The AS350 has really grown on me...
  7. Thanks. I'm now definitely convinced I need to upgrade my GPU. I've been using my 6850 with only 1GB Vram and it simply isn't enough anymore. What PSU do you have?
  8. Looks fantastic! What are your specs?
  9. Meh... I'd prefer the MD11. I'd be afraid the DC10 would crash too often especially if the model was created prior to when they made the door modifications
  10. Another one of the AS350 over La Baule France... And another one of the PAF training over the Swiss Alps.
  11. AS350 over La Baule, France. AS350 over La Baule, France.
  12. Yes sir. http://xpfr.org/?pop=download&av=60
  13. Dassault Rafale over the Swiss Alps. Dassault Rafale over the Swiss Alps. Alphajet de la Patrouille de l'Air Française. Alphajet de la Patrouille de l'Air Française. Alphajet de la Patrouille de l'Air Française. Alphajet de la Patrouille de l'Air Française.
  14. Nope, I have the Florida scenery from Real Scenery but I did the Sarasota area myself using G2XPL (If that's what it's still called). It unfortunately does not have night lighting.
  15. Lol... There's nothing illegal about it. I converted it myself and have never distributed it. It's perfectly legal if I'm the one playing with the files on my own computer. Stop making assumptions.
  16. 737-500 departing France. 737-500 over Sarasota, Florida.
  17. Yep. WombatBoy and I actually did it side by side and learned together how it worked but as he mentioned, unfortunately it's not possible to distribute them.
  18. I can't remember where I got it as it was a few years back. If I remember right I had done the conversion myself from FS.
  19. 737-500 over Sarasota, Florida.
  20. Fully packaged by the good folks over at XPFR. http://xpfr.org/?body=scene_accueil&sc=166
  21. Yeah that's why I wanted to double check what the budget was. I couldn't have said it better myself, EagleWing. The budget aspect first striked me when the PC12 was brought up. You won't pay less than 1-1.5 mil for a decent one (and that's being VERY conservative). They go up to over 2 mil USD. Not to mention, if your budget isn't separate and you're looking at a twin, you'll be paying a significant amount more for twin training. At my flight school the 172 with G1000 is around 169 with fuel, and the Seneca is $289. I'd suggest going for a single engine as well before you venture in the twin territory. It's best to become a great single engine pilot before tackling on multi engines.
  22. Yep thought so, when I ran my own forum I wanted to make sure it wouldn't make another request before implementing certain rules for users of the forum. Thanks for proving a point nonetheless. Back to the airplanes... Dassault Rafale over Tahiti
  23. Very cool. Given your GPU, I can now see how you're able to have such incredible realism. I'm doing the same thing with my two monitors because it's a bit tough to get X-Plane to look good in the middle where the monitors split. Much easier to just display EFASS on the side. Thanks!
  24. If you don't mind me asking, what is your budget for your purchase? It'll play quite a large role in determining which types of planes fit the characteristics you're looking for.
  25. I'm sorry, I hope I didn't cause you too much emotional grief because I made one post asking about his screenshots.
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