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Everything posted by Mik75

  1. Beautiful pics!
  2. Thanks John! The best 20$ I've spent on a flightsim tool yet! It adds so much to the realism: It would be great if one could assign keys or buttons to the user presets. Maybe that's something you can implement in a future update? Greets, Michael
  3. Carenado B200 doing patterns at EFTP (by truescenery). MaxxFX with custom settings was used also.
  4. That looks good! It's really great fun to experiment with the settings, although one has to be careful with moving the sliders. they are very powerful. But done the right way, it adds so much realism to the look of XPX. Here you see a combination of tweaked art controls and custom settings within MaxxFX : Or have a look at that. These settings work really good during dusk and dawn: https://www.facebook.com/XPXschmeichel75/posts/1416228158646224
  5. Ok, thanks. You know, it's the hope that dies last...
  6. Holy cow! That's breathtakingly beautiful. Do you have any news on the subject of cloud shadows? Right now I use the default clouds, but the look of them can be really boring, and the performance with them isn't too good. Your clouds casting these nice shadows on the ground would be the best thing that could possibly happen (for me...)! ;-)
  7. That the IXEG 737 gets released. That FS Global Real Weather for XPX gets released. That Aivlasoft's EFB becomes compatible to X-Plane. ;-)
  8. Cool, pretty much the same settings I am running, and I love the look of it! Especially the cloud shadows add so much depth and realism.
  9. Excellent pics! Are you using the dataref editor raleigh tweaks?
  10. Hi John! Any chance of seeing cloud shadows on ground implemented in a future update of SMP?
  11. Sorry, but I don't get it! ;-) The B732 and the Classic series -300,-400,-500 737's are two completely different aircraft. We have two different payware 100/200 variants, 2 versions of the classic series and 2 versions of the NG series in FSX. Right now, there is not a single decent 737 in X-Plane. So, why not be happy? And as I stated above, the FJS and the IXEG won't even simulate the same aircraft, so I am pretty sure they will coexist very well! I'll add them both to my hangar anyway!
  12. I use Plan G to create my VOR to VOR routes and to follow the flight on its moving map. Other than that, I use Navigraph charts and their chart viewer to set up the departure and arrival correctly.
  13. I paid 90$ for ground textures in FSX, I really don't mind paying another 7,95$ for the update to UM V3, I love the preview pic! ;-)
  14. Ok, thank you very much!
  15. Here is my log file: One more Thing: I read about possible Problems due to a Memory leak of the Gizmo plugin. There is a new version available, should I download and install that one? Log.txt
  16. Hi there! When I fired up the sim once more tonight, I realized that the CRJ is working again. When I thought about what could have caused this issue, I remembered that I uninstalled SkyMaxx Pro one week ago, and with it the Gizmo plugin that the CRJ obviously needs. Today, I bought the LES Saab 340A at X-Aviation, and with its install, the Gizmo plugin came back, so the CRJ loaded without any Problems again. But when I had a look at the log file, I recognised that the "license check" appears very often in it, is that correct?
  17. Ooops, sorry! I posted the wrong log file! I'll post the correct one later!
  18. I read here that I have to delete the xa_license.txt file. I don't have a file like that in any of the CRJ folders.
  19. Hi there! After 3 flights with the aircraft, the PFD and ND don´t come on anymore when I power up the aircraft, they stay black. Here is my logfile: Log.txt
  20. That sounds very promising! I will give it a try for sure!
  21. This looks very promising!!!
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