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Everything posted by PinkJackal

  1. It's perfectly usable the way it is now, I use it in X-Plane 11 with no major problem! Let IXEG finish the update and crush any bug that they find!
  2. We will reply as soon as we are able and will endeavor to reply within 3 days, but usually quicker. I don't find this statement correct in any way!! As long as I have paid for my licence, I have the right to use it when I want, unconditioned, why wait 3 days, do you think I'm correct!? I'm asking you peacefully, please reactivate my product! Thank you, sir!
  3. I have requested my licence rest on the store, sunday, but nobody did nothing!!! How much longer do I need to wait to fly again???? Maybe I have requested reset the wrong way, I've just press "request reset", see my attachment photo, I have never done that, so please help, I need to fly this plane!!!
  4. How do I reset my licence, I have run out of activation slots?!
  5. Does it matter, I would like to pay, this way we can support PERFECT developers, we need more devs like IXEG for X-Plane!
  6. Thx Morten, I fly the final approach with landing speed + 10, it's ok right?
  7. What is the best CG for this plane?? I'm flying with the default 20 and I think the plane is a little wobblier on approach, or should I say tail heavy.
  8. Can we have this?? Thank you very much!!
  9. Thank you
  10. Can someone please help me to edit the options in SimBrief for 737, please? Just need the numbers! Thx!!
  11. Hello guys! I've just bought the 737 and wanted to say that I love this plane, this is something that I've waited forever to happen in XP. After a couple of flights I've spotted a few bugs: 1.After a direct to waypoint the T/C is not showing on the magenta line , it remains offset, I've seen this 2 or 3 times 2.The plane doesn't start the descent when it reaches T/D, not always but sometimes, I have selected on MCP a lower altitude but it doesn't start the descent, I have to descent with V/S and then after I reach the correct profile I'm able to Push VNAV again. This is it until now!
  12. File Name: Saab 340A Flight Manual File Submitter: PinkJackal File Submitted: 04 Nov 2015 File Category: Plugins and Utilities This document will help you fly this beautiful aircraft by the numbers. Enjoy! Regards Albert Click here to download this file
  13. 372 downloads

    This document will help you fly this beautiful aircraft by the numbers. Enjoy! Regards Albert
  14. I think this .doc will help Saab 340A fans Regards Saab 340A.doc
  15. eMko: I fly only liners (modern liners), so no, I didn't try the DC-3, but we are talking here their first model, look what they did with the SAAB, it's absolutely astonishing, look at PMDG first plane, B1900 do you think it was a perfect replica, no, absolutely not, but look at their products now, look at LES Cessna, it will be a first day buy because I know that when I'll put my hands on Cessna 550 FCOM (if I come across one) and I will try it on LES plane it will be spot on, this is what I like to fly, this is what I need for my satisfaction, not a simple model with a great livery and wing flex, everybody is talking about wing flex, if it doesn't have wing flex it's not good! Do you think real pilots care about wing flex, do you think real pilots care about their plane paint job? Do you see the captain coming to your seat and watch his wing flex and if it doesn't flex his teling his copilot "Hey, rock this plane mate so I can see the wing flex, that's my boy, Oh look at this wing flex mate, oh it's beautiful" Well, real pilots really care about their plane working by the book, so am I, I want my simulated plane to work by the book!! Every developer has it's first try on a simulator, than it will perfect his code, his graphics, the level of simulation. Don't judge developers from their first product, judge them on their 2nd or 3rd one!!!
  16. Ok, now I'm criticized because I said that PMDG, LES and IXEG are the best devs!! Let me explain why: If I download a real FCOM and I work by that book in my simulated plane from PMDG, LES or IXEG everything is working, that for me is as real as it get's, and that for me is the best!!! Now, I see that in XPX community, peoples are pleased by freeware planes, it doesn't matter if it has an FMC or if the systems are simulated, well, that's not me, I don't use freeware planes and I will never use. A wile back I've bought JAR A320 and SSG 747 from the .org, I've never used them because they lack system simulation and I'm not enjoying them; for example, if I press 1 fuel pump button on SSG 747, all of them are turning ON, that for me is a big no no, and never used it from that point, JAR A320 is much better, but again, FMGS is poorly simulated and for that reason I've never used it, those are two small examples in those planes, there are more!! Now, you see what I mean, I only fly planes that are simulated by the book, money are no problem, If the plane is simulated by the book I will pay every penny that the devs are asking for, and the devs that are actualy working by the book right now are LES, PMDG and IXEG, others will come, but for now only this 3.
  17. You don't have to try in order to see that it will be a best plane for XPX!!!!!
  18. PMDG will never be left to dust, there are people, like me, who will buy everything PMDG makes, I will skip other devs for PMDG any day!! Except LES and IXEG, who are on the same level as PMDG for me!!
  19. PMDG just announced DC6b for XPX!!!
  20. News, pictures, anything to keep us occupied....????
  21. X-plane does have the most up to date data, it's using navigraph AIRAC!!!
  22. Great stuff if will be finished! Custom FMC with AIRAC support, custom systems??? Good luck!
  23. What tipe of FMC, Airbus, Boeing, Embraer... here are some links: http://www.737ng.co.uk/airbusfms.pdf - AIRBUS http://www.ifpz.be/tutorials/Working%20with%20the%20Pmdg%20B737%20FMC.pdf - BOEING
  24. Hollywood movies, what you expect, to see the walk around and the full start procedures? In my opinion it was a makeover of Alaska Airlines MD-80 crash, but with happy ending! What Hollywood produce is nothing like real life!
  25. Sorry sir! When this is released, I will be your first buyer!
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