Sounds like a stupid question I am sure, hello BTW I new here... So I have been messing with X-Plane for a while now, going rather well I think, anyway I picked up X-Aviations Cessna Corvalis TT and am really liking it, I assume this a pretty good plane to start with?? Anyway more my question, I want to fly from one airport to another, really what would be the right procedure to do that, I have been using GPS, but it never seems to work correcly, so I end up just selecting NAV on autopilot and kind of semi-automatically point the NAV at the GPS arrow, now I assume this is wrong and really daft, but when I get to the airport I ask for a ILS then get spun around in circles for a while (I assume I am coming in from the wrong direction, or picking this up to late), then I get put nicly online for a landing, then normally I have to switch of AP as its not decending (I understand ILS is a little fiddly), then I decend like a rocket, boucing down the runway, and if I am really lucky I stagger out of the plane for lunch... So as you can see I think I am lacking any real idea, now I see lots of help about ILS, VOR's and all this great stuff, but as a beginer, what should I be working on and what should I ignore for now, as said already I am not flying anything large and and funky.... Hope that makes just a little sense, if not, well.... duno...