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  1. Will do - thanks again.
  2. Thanks for your reply - I don't think I'm doing any of those (I didn't think you could engage until after takeoff), but I'll try again tonight and make sure that nothing is engaged inadvertently . Cheers!
  3. Hi, I have a similar issue when arming the Autothrottle - once armed, the throttles spool up to take off power. However, I don't use mapped buttons to arm. I would say that this happens around 50% of the time for me. To be on the safe side, I wait until lined up on the runway before arming the autothrottles.
  4. Yes Tim, I'm getting the same messages. Normally when the aircraft fails to follow the FMC course and I attempt to pull everything back into some sort of order.
  5. Cheers. Appreciate you must be overwhelmed.
  6. Hi, I have just installed latest update and get this screen pop up when I try to select arrival runway. Was located in YMML going to YPAD, tried to select runway 05. I'm not sure how to attach the whole text. Thanks, Gary
  7. Looks fantastic. Can't wait.
  8. There are also several very experienced senior Cathay Pacific captains who have been instructing at the HKAC for many years, and are still instructing. I understand the cause of the accident has yet to be determined.
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