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Everything posted by drh

  1. Is this happening to anyone else? The Tanks do not turn on. It will not start.
  2. Looking forward to flying it. I have been very happy with all your planes..so I trust you. I am not crazy about the Cirrus wandering as I taxi it but i just quit flying it. All the others are so sweet. Thanks for this
  3. Yes, Thank you I got that. I really appreciate your help Regards
  4. sorry, Thank you. regards
  5. ok. I do not know how to figue out ZFW and GW. sigh
  6. no fuel panel in the Ground services or start state in the pop up menu. where can I find it. The manual shows a picture of the pop up that does not look at all like the one on my plane .
  7. You did such a wonderful Job on the first 737 you did. I am looking forward to your new one. I know you will do your absolute best. All the best Regards
  8. ok.. that did the trick.. I still do not understand.. It worked on all the betas.. oh well. Thank you so much for your help Regards
  9. I do not know what zink is or where to find it..or how to disable the SMS..What is a SMS? ooooh.. I have to edit the airplane? wow..ok lol. I will give it a try... grits teeth. It was never a problem when I was testing the Betas.. HUmm Regards
  10. I am sory if this is the wrong place to ask for support but...I downloaded all the 4 of the new Cirrus's for xplane 12 planes..but when I went to fly them..after one was selected XPlane would crash to desktop. It did the same with all of them. I would select the plane and start the flight and boom crash to desktop. It never happened before. sooo.I removed them all..re-downloaded just the SR20 1000 and tried it..Crashed to desktop.. I rried downloading with different browsers and it made no difference. CTD Does anyone have any idea what might be causing it? Thank you so much. I am using: iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2019 3.6 GHz Intel 8-Core i9 64 GB 2667MHz DDR4 Radeon Pro Vega 48 8GB macOS 13.2.4 Xplane 12.05b1 X55 Saitek Pro Rhino Stick X55 Saitek Rhino Throttle Log.txt
  11. You did such a great job with the XPlane 11 737..I am happy to pay you for one in XPlane 12. Will we hve to shimmy up or down a rope to get into the plane? I love your work. I only expect your best..time is not the issue..quality is..
  12. I would be haappy to pay for an upgrade to 12.
  13. I am looking forwaard to it!!!
  14. wow oh wow...It makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up!
  15. It is such great work.. I am looing forward to buying it and flying it.. I hope it works in XP 12.
  16. Just goofing around..You are right!!!! regards
  17. Bravo, I am looking forward to it. So are you saying the Auto Pilot will not work with GPS?
  18. I am Using: iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2019 3.6 GHz Intel Core i9 64 GB 2667MHz DDR4 Radeon Pro Vega 48 8GB macOS 12.2 Xplane 11.55r2 (64 bit) X55 Saitek Pro Rhino Stick X55 Saitek Rhino Throttle
  19. I have the same problem
  20. Excellent.. Thanks for all your good work
  21. Thank you so much that worked..oh. The Q4 pilots after update..lol
  22. I tried to open the 650 in Plane maker.. and it said there was not enough graphics memory. It worked on the Q8 no problem. and I was only running plane maker not XPlane so it is odd. Anyone else have that problem?
  23. I was looking and looking.. you say there are NO pilots? You are kidding. Is this XPlane 8? How hard would it be to throw in a couple of pilots...Shakes my head. It flys really well.. looks ok..I am sure it was a lot of work. Ghost riders in the sky...
  24. Hi, I love flying your planes. I do have one question..On the Cirrus planes when I open them up they always have to cover and tie-downs off/ They also do not have the chocks under the wheels. I thought if I checked the persistent memory they would be on when I open the plane.. Seems silly that when you go to fly the plane it is just sitting there as if it were in a used car lot. What can I do to insure the chocks and everything is in place as I would find it in cold and dark. Also the switch for the gas is always on? Why is that. Shouldn't it be OFF when you first climb into the plane? I shut it off when I leave the plane. Kinda messes up the immersive quality of the plane. I am Using: iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2019 3.6 GHz Intel Core i9 64 GB 2667MHz DDR4 Radeon Pro Vega 48 8GB macOS 11.0.1 Xplane 11.53r1 (64 bit) X55 Saitek Pro Rhino Stick X55 Saitek Rhino Throttle
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