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Everything posted by Slayer

  1. On the occasion I listed in the first post after 3 tries of it totally crashing XPX the 4th try I got that Gizmo console window, the sim didn't crash and I used the little reboot icon for gizmo and continued on.
  2. Rob what are you sending the dataref a 0 or 1? Thats what I assume for left and right drag in the VC
  3. *Solved* Hi I'm trying to map the FD switches to the Goflight MCP pro I can't use the custom command toggle as it is a physical on/off switch as in the real aircraft sent it: ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_plt_fd_act it looks like a 0 will turn the switch off and a 1 will turn the switch on. It works for a few cycles then xplane crashes. Any ideas? edit: Tested again, I think it's something to do with Gizmo a console window popup has the following: 690.634 Callback_Dref_Hooked_setDataf: mcp_plt_fd_act_OnWrite: 6.3910641622945e-312 Log.txt GizmoLog.txt
  4. I really hope the bandwidth picks up before tomorrow at XA it took several minutes just to DL the skymax update that was only 60 megs or so.
  5. Will datarefs be exposed enough that I can hook into them to run my Goflight hardware? Pollypot software is getting ready to release a new version of their software for XPX and I really want to make this aircraft work with my Goflight MCPPro and radios.
  6. "The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of the development time. The remaining 10 percent of the code accounts for the other 90 percent of the development time. — Tom Cargill"
  7. Missed your chance at FlightSimCon 2015. I had no idea who they were until someone told me they were IXEG. Cool bunch of guys, by the looks of it they will have a tad more to show if they attend this year
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