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Everything posted by ianrivaldosmith

  1. Happening to me too. With ASXP in normal mode with normal xplane clouds, it’s depicting the weather properly. with sky max on and ASXP in sky max mode it’s wiping the weather ?
  2. Just tried that, worked perfect. Thanks for help!
  3. No, nothing like that running, just basic windows virus scanner.
  4. Hi, I can not register after installing the new version? Error is:- XPR 20:43:36 init finished0:01:06.645 G64: debug: No license for: (SilverLiningV4.Clouds) 0:01:06.645 G64: warn: X-Aviation Licensing: Showing window for update.. 0:01:06.645 G64: debug: No license for: (Sundog.MetarBridge) 0:01:06.645 G64: warn: X-Aviation Licensing: Showing window for update.. 0:01:06.645 G64: debug: No license for: (MaxxFX.MaxxXP) 0:01:06.645 G64: warn: X-Aviation Licensing: Showing window for update.. AH2 - OneShot SkyMaxx Pro license check failed. Clouds will be disabled.License challenge failed; MaxxFX disabled. 0:01:14.131 G64: debug: No license for: (SilverLiningV4.Clouds) 0:01:14.131 G64: warn: X-Aviation Licensing: Showing window for update.. 0:01:14.131 G64: debug: No license for: (Sundog.MetarBridge) 0:03:29.299 G64: warn: X-Aviation Licensing: Showing window for update.. 0:03:34.280 G64: error: http API call_back: : [string "core/json.lua.gfys"]:381: attempt to call global 'error' (a nil value)
  5. I too have that issue. GTX 2080ti. Tried all above, same issue. I read it is now because they locked vulkan down from editing or using sim private controls.
  6. Any update s on this in time for Autumn?
  7. Can anyone tell me how long I should wait for a response to my ticket? It states in my account I have 3 downloads remaining of skymaxx pro, and I want to download the new V2.1.1, however it is saying my downloads expired in July? My ticket was Ticket #93JIO Thanks Ian
  8. Too much of a headache to use. I would love someone to release a payware package that has a simple installer and menu system plugin....
  9. I too have these stutters with V2 and beta 8...... Will try that water trick now.
  10. This with beta8, wow. I used to think I would miss AI and ATC switching to x-plane. NO CHANCE! Unbelievable how this sim looks now. Absolutely!
  11. Wow! I installed and I LOVE IT! I have posted some screenshots in the avsim screenshots forum for anyone who wants to look....... stunning work, and the performance is unreal! I'm off to play now.....!
  12. Booooo, make it GMT..... Haha
  13. Any particular reason why not? Its seems crazy not too.....
  14. will V2 have cloud shadows in the 10.3 run?
  15. Hi, I have had issues with windows 8 etc.. I have re-installed skymaxx pro several times over the last few days due to this. Now when I try to activate, I get an error saying my limit has been reached. How do I reset this? Thanks Ian
  16. I tried it all, and I am now satisfied. I was able to increase my AA to the 4XFSAA and also leave my settings as they were. My bottleneck, was, I was using over 4000MB VRAM! I compressed the textures using the check box, and now I get 35FPS+ whilst maintaining my high settings. Thank you for your help:)
  17. I was just about to report this and came across this thread. Good to know it was not just me! Ian
  18. Ok thank you! I'll try it out and get back to you!
  19. Thank you, and what about sky maxx settings?
  20. Thanks.... What would you recommend based on my system for each setting?
  21. Hi, I have a question/support query.... I have X-Plane 10 running butter smooth. My system is I5 4670K Clocked at 4GHZ. 16GB ram. Geforce GTX 770 4GB. Win 7 64bit. My settings are:- This easily gets me 30 FPS locked using 1/2 vsync mode, and maintains it. I throw in a few clouds using skymaxx pro 1.3 with these settings:- This brings my FPS down to 10-15 and introduces stuttering! Is there anything I can tweak? Iv'e tried bringing down other settings, doesn't seem to do anything. Doesn't look like my full VRAM is being used either? What do each of the settings actually mean in sky max pro? Thanks for the help, Ian.
  22. Hi, what % do I set my x-plane 10 cliud settings at in the x-plane rendering options for best results with skymaxx? Thanks Ian Gtx770 4GB 16GB RAM I54670K @ 4GHZ
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