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  1. Version 1.0.0


    Old tarom livery for the IXEG 733 find more of my liveries @ https://www.facebook.com/krankyliveries
  2. IXEG 737-300 tarom old livery View File Old tarom livery for the IXEG 733 find more of my liveries @ https://www.facebook.com/krankyliveries Submitter kranky65 Submitted 08/03/2016 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)
  3. IXEG 737-300 American Airlines N674AA View File Old American Airlines livery for the IXEG 737-300. No winglets as N674AA did not have them. More liveries @ https://www.facebook.com/krankyliveries Submitter kranky65 Submitted 04/28/2016 Category Heavy Metal Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)
  4. IXEG 737-300 SouthWest N315SW View File Canyon Blue SouthWest livery for the IXEG 737-300. No winglets because N315SW did not have them. find more liveries @ https://www.facebook.com/krankyliveries Submitter kranky65 Submitted 04/28/2016 Category Heavy Metal Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)
  5. Version 1.1.0


    Canyon Blue SouthWest livery for the IXEG 737-300. No winglets because N315SW did not have them. find more liveries @ https://www.facebook.com/krankyliveries
  6. Version 1.1.0


    Old American Airlines livery for the IXEG 737-300. No winglets as N674AA did not have them. More liveries @ https://www.facebook.com/krankyliveries
  7. Well I didn't get the discount code email and now I tried to submit a support ticket and when you hit continue it has an smtp error.
  8. More click spots in a small area just leads to more trouble getting the correct one. The drag or click and hold control methods are one the most complained about features in X-plane by new users. Not sure what the TrackIR issue is with scroll wheels as this has been the method in FSX since it came out. I was only stating that I am not a fan of multiple methods and prefer the scroll wheel method. As a customer I would hope you would value that input. I would also put little to no value in what LR prefers as they are not your customer.
  9. I would also prefer that you only include 1 method of manipulating the controls. Scroll wheel would be my preference and if someone doesn't have a mouse with a scroll wheel chances are their pc is not going to be able to support this plane. Multiple methods just make it confusing.
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