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  1. No, they've promised us a free upgrade for a long time now
  2. There's a training video dedicated to that subject:
  3. I second what tabusman said. It's not relevant if you can do manual holds - the point is just that you should be able to.. it's a pretty important feature for me personally, but we'll have to wait a bit more I guess Still very excited for the update though. Brings some changes I've been waiting for maybe not all, but I guess most
  4. Normally (for patches and bug fixes) you'd do the update in the sim via the Gizmo updater - however for this update I'm pretty sure you have to redownload the entire installer, since it contains major changes to the 3d model etc.
  5. Your groups and channels are listed on the left side of the Discord interface. At the top you have both your groups as you know them from Skype as well as the channels like you know them from TS. This is the server. When you click on the discord.gg link above it will automatically add you to the Discord server.
  6. I mostly prefer the steam gauges, they're just more readable in my opinion. And as mentioned above, the digital gauges are also buggy at night, though that isn't really a deal breaker to me.
  7. If they would make (which I don't think) a B737-800, it wouldn't be an 'expansion'. The -800 is simply a completely different aircraft, at least system-wise. Almost everything would have to be modelled from scratch, so I guess we have to wait for another developer to make the NG (perhaps PMDG? ). Would be cool to see a -400 or -500 at some point though.
  8. I would assume it's stored somewhere in the Lua code as a variable, which is not accessible as a dataref.
  9. vuuoo

    List of bugs

    Thanks a lot! That seemed to do it!
  10. vuuoo

    List of bugs

    Thanks! Is there a temporary solution so I can still use it before the next patch comes out?
  11. vuuoo

    List of bugs

    Oh, turns out I was wrong about the EGPH part. It does happen at all airports since the v1.04 update. Whenever I execute the PERF page after filling it out I get a Gizmo crash. I attached an image.
  12. vuuoo

    List of bugs

    It was the default AIRAC that came with the plane.
  13. vuuoo

    List of bugs

    Good evening I have made this list of bugs over the last week, containing every single bug or possible bug I have found in v1.04. I have tried to make it as detailed as possible. I know some of them are very minor, but here we go anyways: -----------1----------- Engine display "needles" disappearing at night I have found (and seen it on Youtube videos too) that the following "digital needles" of the engine display disappear at night time: Both EGT needles, and the first N2 needle as seen on the picture below. It looks like they aren't backlit since they slowly fade in again when the sun rises. -----------2----------- This bug has definitely been improved on since v1.0, but it is still noticable. When in cruise and editing the route in the FMC (going direct to a waypoint or selecting a star) the aircraft banks slightly in one direction and then returns on course. -----------3----------- I'm not sure wether or not this is a bug, but occasionally I've experienced that in flight the EGT drive oil temp and AC amps gauges of generator 1 will move up and down every 3rd second or so. I don't know if this has been fixed in the 1.04 version but I thought I'd include it anyways. -----------4----------- In the light test mode, I can cancel the master caution light, but not the fire warning light - again, this might be intentional. -----------5----------- Setting the air conditioning airflow volume in the preferences to 0% and then exiting will reset it back to 100%. -----------6----------- On the approach ref page, selecting a flaps setting for landing and then pressing the FLAP/SPEED button twice will set it to flaps 40 regardless of the current value. -----------7----------- The auto throttle arm switch won't move in cold and dark, although you can hear the sound. -----------8----------- The engine fire bell will sound in cold and dark when holding the test button. -----------9----------- I don't know if anyone else has had this, but at EGPH I find that when programming the FMC, just after finishing the PERF page and pressing EXEC (after already having typed in the flight plan except for SID and STAR), I constantly got a Gizmo soft crash. Even after having restarted Gizmo. I was planning to fly EGPH - EGKK on the following route: TLA UN864 DCS UL612 WOD. (this was in v1.04) I am aware that some of these may be intentional, or already have been reported, but I hope this list could at least help a little bit .
  14. As far as I know the CDU is not optimized for external viewing at the moment. Mathias
  15. Nice to hear! I was going to test this myself!
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