Hi Phillip, after installing XPUIPC X-plane crashes when I try to use CRJ. There is no crash_log.txt file on X-plane main directory, but I'm sendign you log.txt (I renamed it to log_copy.txt). I noticed that crashes occurs using or not the XPUIPC "client" application, which in my case is FSFK. My system is Win7@64 6.1, nvidia GTX570. I tried remove CRJ 1.1 and installing again and not happens. However, when I remove XPUIPC files from Plugins folders it works perfectly. Another plugins installed (they all were working with 1.0 version): Airport-Nav_win.xpl PilotViewWin.xpl XSquawkBox_VATSIM.xpl GW_PlugIn.xpl Please let me know if you need any additional information. Thanks in advance! Regards. Log_copy.txt