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Everything posted by rbiten

  1. Hi Tom, I use the following plugins: Airport-Nav_win GW_PlugIn PilotViewWin XPUIPC (but with no client applications. When I open a client application X-plane crashes...) XSquawkBox_VATSIM Regards! Rafael
  2. Hi TOBS! I'm running xsquakbox on win7@64 with no problems....
  3. Instead of evolutionary I would say Revolutionary product! Thank you guys for all you effort to make CRJ the best X-plane aircraft ever released. I can imagine how frustrating this kind of issues can be but keep doing your great job! Regards
  4. Hi Javier, I have the same problem with DEL button... I dont know if it was designed to avoid changes in FLPN Page, but every time I try to clear (or delete) an fix or airway it shows me "No entry allowed"... When I try to delete or change wayponts in the LEGS page it works perfectly. Just my two cents! My system is Win7@64, geforce 570, C++ 2010 installed (all previous versions were removed). Regards Rafael
  5. Hi Phillip, after installing XPUIPC X-plane crashes when I try to use CRJ. There is no crash_log.txt file on X-plane main directory, but I'm sendign you log.txt (I renamed it to log_copy.txt). I noticed that crashes occurs using or not the XPUIPC "client" application, which in my case is FSFK. My system is Win7@64 6.1, nvidia GTX570. I tried remove CRJ 1.1 and installing again and not happens. However, when I remove XPUIPC files from Plugins folders it works perfectly. Another plugins installed (they all were working with 1.0 version): Airport-Nav_win.xpl PilotViewWin.xpl XSquawkBox_VATSIM.xpl GW_PlugIn.xpl Please let me know if you need any additional information. Thanks in advance! Regards. Log_copy.txt
  6. Nice video Javier! You are doing a great job! But honestly, those who doesn't want to read the manuals or think it is boring do not deserve your CRJ! Nice landings!
  7. Very nice! I will give it a try... Thanks for sharing with us!
  8. Nice tip! Thank you!
  9. After practicing a little bit I definetly love to use the knobs in the way you designed! It was hard on the beginning, but right now it is absolutly amazing!
  10. Seems to be great! I will give a try and let you know... Thanks!
  11. Thanks... I don't know how I didn't noticed that last part of "will be available on next patch"... :-) Regards
  12. Hi, I'm having problems with CRJ and XPUIPC. I noticed that Phillip commented on a known incompatibility between these plugins and a "under the scenes" solution... what is this solution? Is there any workaround or another way to fix it? Thanks in advance! Regards. Rafael
  13. Thank you Javier for the most incredible airplane I ever pilot. It combines the best of x-plane with the uniqueness of a great design and programming team. Enjoy your sucess. You deserve it! Conglatulaciones amigo! Que este sea apenas el primer de una frota especial de pajaros! Saludos!
  14. This aircraft just rocks! It worths every penny... Thank you Javier, Phillip and all team involved!! I can't talk more because I have to fly!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Hey Guys, nice job! I'm purchasing mine right now... thanks for all you effort and persistence. Happy flights to everyone!
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