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Eddie last won the day on September 8 2018

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  1. Observed with version 1.2 of the 737-300, Navigraph AIRAC 1706, and X-Plane 11.02rc1. The FMC will interpret a "below X, above Y" altitude constraint as "above X", which will lead to a violation if not manually corrected. I observed this on the HYDRR1 arrival into Phoenix Sky Harbour (KPHX), and have attached both the procedure chart and the FMC's interpretation of the arrival on the CDU. 00322HYDRR_C.PDF
  2. Not sure why you took that as an attack on the program itself...I was referring to comparing the Global with the -300.
  3. It's a lot easier to hold a global database on 2010 technology than 1984.
  4. I think the myriad of fixes to things you'll actually use take precedence over wingflex.
  5. Also, in the wake of many developers that seem content to charge full price for XP11 updates, having one that is reasonably priced (let alone free as with this) is a breath of fresh air. Thank you for being transparent about what is necessary and I look forward to 1.1.
  6. Correct. As PNF will be handling communications, this would make the most sense from the controller's perspective.
  7. Eddie


    Too late.
  8. PF connects with _OBS appended to their callsign and PNF is the only one to activate their transponder.
  9. The FMC would have automatically tuned frequencies for DME/DME updating, at least in older variants. Don't think that's modeled here though.
  10. Many unrecoverable deep stalls on takeoff in the FJS 727v2...
  11. Above transition altitude or 15,000 feet in the climb, whichever is higher, and in the descent on profile STARs.
  12. Strange that the much-lauded X-Plane flight model takes up barely any power on today's processors, then. I'm confident a wingflex simulation will be even less demanding.
  13. I also have to say, though, that "the IXEG is an excellent plane" isn't really a rebuttal. We get that the plane is great (we all fly it, obviously) but saying things like "it's the best plane ever, it doesn't need wingflex" isn't helpful to anyone. I do agree there are more pressing matters.
  14. I think an "apples-to-apples" performance comparison between 3 and 4 would be nice, both to show what improvements we're getting for our money and to alleviate concerns about performance with the higher draw distance compared to v3. Do it and you have my money.
  15. Possibly unanswerable at this point, but will XP11 be a paid upgrade for existing IXEG customers?
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