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  1. Haha. Lovely. Looking forward to it
  2. Great. I did just that and had no further problems. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and ask a horribly predictable question. Are you aiming for an update release this year or is it more likely to be next year? Not that I've got any pressing reasons for an update, it's just, well.....you know......it's an update and updates are great!
  3. First of all I'd like to say what a superb aircraft this is. I put off buying this for sooooo long given the mixed reviews I've seen over time since it was released, but now I fly this almost exclusively (and also to a lesser extent FlyJSim /cough). Now onto what I've just discovered. I used the right hand EHSI to display the returns from the weather radar and quite a few of the dials in the cockpit decided that they too wanted a piece of the action. After I worked out that the PIC wasn't tripping his balls off I grabbed a screenshot. I'm not sure it's been reported before, but here it is in all it's glory. All update to the latest release version.
  4. Don't know if this might be helpful to you? http://forums.x-pilot.com/topic/8239-sound-conflict/
  5. Happy to beta test. Windows 7 Pro Intel i5 750 Gigabyte GTX770 4Gb
  6. Wow. I really only expected some minor improvements and cloud shadows but this is properly next level. Really really well done on an excellent product!
  7. Very sorry Tony, I made the wrong assumption there. So let me try again Great job on the GUI work Tony. Out of interest, what are you using to code it?
  8. Great job on the GUI work Blacky. Out of interest, what are you using to code it?
  9. Nasty emails? Some people really need to get a grip. I'm sure I don't need to remind you as plenty of people here have already done so, but you're doing absolutely sterling work, a game changer probably in my and many others opinions. Let the bad karma wash off you like water off a ducks back.
  10. They had a HDD failure on their primary Raid array. Apparently they need to replace all 6 disks in the array. That means sourcing, buying and having them delivered. Then getting someone to fit them and restore the array. They hinted that this wouldn't be just a few days work. It may however hint at why it's been slow for some users and the raid array was constantly trying recover a failing disk.
  11. Those are some great comparison shots. It's a shame they're not bigger. Any chance you can upload some bigger versions of the comparison shots somewhere?
  12. We'll it certainly wasn't intended to be "not very nice". The smilies were there to hopefully reinforce the sarcastic tone. Sorry that you got offended.
  13. You know I think with Redpiper's epic videos, he could sell ice to eskimos
  14. I may be wrong but I believe that message usually originates from the XSquawkBox plugin. You need to edit the options file or some such thing. It's pretty innocuous.
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