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Everything posted by AngeloM

  1. Another problem of Yosemite, already filed as bug, is about aliases: if you put custom scenery on another disk and you create the aliases those are not recognised by X-Plane.
  2. I don't think it will be a good idea to contact Austin for this reason, much better the generic e-mail address.
  3. Great job, bravo!
  4. Thank you Jan, very informative video and post!!! Angelo
  5. It's ridiculous only because the same stupid questions asked again and again and again. If some people would 'loose' 5 minutes (5, no more, maybe even less) in order to read the last two/three pages there would no silly questions.
  6. You haven't told us anything useful in order to try to understand where the problem could be. Plane? X-Plane version (32 or 64bit)? Operating system? Step-by-step procedure you followed? log.txt?
  7. I'm on Yosemite since beta1 on one of the systems which I use almost daily to fly X-Plane, but I'm not an SMP owner so I'll pass.
  8. Please, don't feed the troll, just ignore him.
  9. Hoping for the VC in the future.
  10. Jan, thank you very much for your update! Are you working even on the documentation or you'll wait until the FMC will be completed?
  11. What Tony said is absolutely wisely, sometimes the good will is not enough to obtain certain goals and in this specific case you must know how to work with graphic, someone can't simply improvising.
  12. Wow. Simply wow. No other words.
  13. I could have some free time but I'm totally not good with graphics, if someone is willing to explain me how to work with facades and objects (both procedures and programs to use) I could try to do something, but no promises at all I'm sorry.
  14. Thank you Leen, no need for other words, numbers say it all. Your post is very informative.
  15. Before to read the post I was wondering if you was talking about the new release...
  16. Great Tony!!! Can't wait to test it!!!!!!! Angelo
  17. Great job Michael, thank you for your update!!!
  18. Are you ok with those prerequisites?
  19. You're not the star of this thread so don't think everyone is answering to you. I don't like this but I've to put you on my ignore list, maybe you're not a troll (hard to believe) but your behaviour is the same as their.
  20. Never had such kind of problems with their B58 and C340. Some more info about your hardware and software configuration?
  21. Great news Jan, thank you very much for this update!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to hear more!!! Angelo
  22. Using a joystick or a yoke would be the most easy, fast and practical solution... if you don't/can't the only workaround I'm thinking of is to move the view of the VC before to use an instrument/switch/knob/whatever else in order to keep the white cross far from it, at least this is what I do when I test something on a system which hasn't my controls connected so I have to use the mouse.
  23. AngeloM

    No ATC

    I know that XSquawkBox and X-IvAp plugins keep the internal ATC disabled, maybe you get the same behaviour while using PilotEdge (assuming you're already using it and you have tuned the right frequency).
  24. New advanced type model by FlightFactor: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=79242
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