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Everything posted by Wall•E

  1. Will this work in v9?
  2. What scenery did you use in the thumbnails?
  3. Will this have any significant impact on framerate?
  4. Waiting for TU-124...
  5. You don't know the true definition of anxiety until you've seen this.
  6. Is this X-Plane 9 compatible?
  7. Y...yo...you...you m.....m..m..mean.....that...i...it...do..d..does not w...work...with...X-Plane...9?
  8. This post has been deleted by the author.
  9. Please do the MD-80!
  10. Very good, to be your first creation.
  11. Wall•E


    I was wondering... How do you get those "promotions" as i call them? (newbie, member, advanced member, addict, and so on...)
  12. Some people..... ...just wanna watch the world burn.
  13. I was on Lisbon Airport, sitting in a café, when it came on the news. It was on for the rest of the evening.
  14. It's not hard to google, but i don't know how to use ground services the plugin! And please don't give me links to dotOrg...
  15. Well, if you have to do it, you have to do it.
  16. I know that feel bro...
  17. Guess it's not you, cause I feel it too. LOL that rhymed!
  18. "Why is X-Plane so much 'better' than FSX?" "...dude... let me X-Plane it to you..."
  19. I WANT ONE OF THOSE!!!!1!!11!!1!!!!11!!
  20. Indeed samen, indeed. And i know this is not the right place to ask for this stuff, but aren't you the author of the a330/40?
  21. Sorry, i meant visible thrust reversers! But those landing gears would be nice, too.
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