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Everything posted by alexgeo

  1. Looks like I'm gonna need a new computer...
  2. alexgeo

    Heinz 787

    Why are there random chairs laying around the cabin... ?? The yoke needs some work.
  3. You are the sh*t Goran. Youve managed to build what, 5 planes in a less than a year? Keep it up!
  4. The best aviation special I have EVER seen. It's about 5 hours long...so make sure you have a weekend planned out ahead of time to watch it (It's hard to stop once you've started ). Part 1 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3551731641323350192# Part 2 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2689883933125832007# Part 3 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4398863593103878295# Part 4 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1611649720115831349# Part 5 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=245209640014350435# Enjoy!
  5. On that note, are there any plans to create a "modern" day 742 with a "glass" cockpit and a GPS system?
  6. This might actually be better for me, considering that I really don't need (I'm sure there are others out there too) the INS. Maybe having the INS option like FJCC's product might be a better idea for some of us. As much as I would love an accurate Inertial nav system, I think waiting for the gyros to stabalize would just frustrate me ;D. I'm sure some of us "simple" user's would do fine with just the X-Plane default GPS. But then again, X-Plane is all about realism...right?
  7. I'm afraid I wont have enough time to do flights with this thing ! Seems like I would have to devote a whole weekend to get a flight done... But hell, I'm all for overly-complicated things...It's glad to hear all is going well.
  8. alexgeo

    Project 3

    Ughhh...you Alaskans.................have to make everything so complicated!
  9. alexgeo

    Project 3

    +1 on the PennAir paint. I was looking forward to this one.
  10. alexgeo

    Project 3

    I can almost taste the plane...lol ;D
  11. Jim, I hope you kept your dead HD backed up. Sending it in to retrieve data will cost you a fortune. Anyways, I hope you enjoy your new computer...Looks like a great XP 10 set up . Alex
  12. 1) 747-200 Cargo and Passenger 2) DC-10 Cargo and Passenger 3) MD-11 Cargo and passenger Good luck guys!
  13. alexgeo

    Project 3

    This is so great. Finally, a team that has created a very nice plane in such short notice without any major stalls. I'm sure this is the start of a wonderful new era for XP pilots. Cheers!
  14. alexgeo

    Project 3

    This sounds about good considering that I get about 30-40 fps (with a complicated obj-based plane) on my older MBP with all the X-Plane settings set a default. Have you optimized the model yet? Just curious...
  15. alexgeo

    Project 3

    Hey...early march is only a few weeks or so away, so I think everything is still on target ;D. I'm exited! Alex
  16. Well, after a year long break from anything to do with airplanes, I'm back to X-Plane and I'm enjoying it big-time. I usually take year long breaks every now and then from X-Plane, just so it doesn't get old! I discovered this website after a friend sent me a link telling me about a new website that is basically the exact opposite of the .org. The members here seem much more productive (maybe they're younger?), detail oriented, and my favorite, they don't bullshit (**some exceptions!). Also, it seems like X-Plane is beginning to become more of a "well-rounded" simulator (hi-quality systems and graphics + realistic flight models) rather than a simulator that is just focused on flight dynamics (which it was for many years prior). I like to think of it like women; beauty + brains = !!!. Also, I'm starting to see a trend on this website where most of the products are going to be payware, but as long as the price is kept somewhat reasonable, I'll be happy to purchase anything that catches my eye. I just hope this new wave of X-Plane addons doesn't become like MSFS addons where they can cost an arm and a leg for a single plane. My philosophy is that the higher you price the aircraft, the more it's gonna be pirated and shared amongst the underground community. But I also believe in a free market, so I guess the price should really depend on the amount of work put into the actual model. Anyways, I wish the best of luck to everyone and I can't wait until X-Plane has a long list of hi-quality addons which I wont regret buying ;D. Alex
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