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  1. Nice aircraft, but landing and the gear hitting the ground sound is way too loud.
  2. Thank you, got it.
  3. I've read the manual, english is not my first language and I find the manual lacking detailed instructions. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Have tried RealityXP Garmin 650 and Laminars 530, makes no difference.
  4. Excellent solution Bulva, I use the same for the gate in FJS Q400.
  5. OK, just noticed the other post about this problem.
  6. On my turbo Islander, X Plane 11.53r1
  7. It was a good aircraft, now it's a great aircraft, thanks!
  8. (EDIT) Had problems with my Saitek stick, works fine with my yoke. (For me it's impossible to fly, very difficult to trim for level flight, wants to climb like rocket.) Looks nice though.
  9. weird, I'm only using less than half of available vram. As soon as I switch to HD puffs the GPU goes from 60% to 100%.
  10. hmm was not a problem. I have 11gb vram and 32gb ram. This is rc1 best see what happens when stable version arrives. Update: HD cloud puffs absolutely kill the GPU.
  11. After latest update I experience heavy stuttering and freezes with HDR on. As soon as I disable SkyMaxx Pro simulator runs fluid again.
  12. yup, redownloaded SkyMaxx 4.72 and installed RWC 1.1 installed just fine, thanks.
  13. I just updated to SkyMaxx 4.72 downloaded also RealWeatherConnector 1.1 but it does not install: „There has been an error SkyMaxx Pro v3.1.1 or greater ...“
  14. No it does not have gps, if you are using X-Plane 11 the moving map (key M) is quite useful.
  15. Not in both variants, in floats the altimeter can be adjusted. But Instruments Lights Knob is not functional in both versions, only the Dome light knob works. I never fly the floats version so I had not noticed the difference, wish there was a ski version
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