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  1. Thanks, tried yesterday and that worked good, back to having nice clouds again
  2. I have 3 ssd drives, ie one for the Pacific, one for Europe and one for America. When installing skymax it asks for the main drive location, how can I get it on the other 2 drives? I have tried to simlink but it didn't seem to work that way.
  3. Love to get her out of the hangar again any thoughts when SOON will happen with the update 1.5.2, yea I know, soon.
  4. SAAB 340A now operating on NZ routes now. A repaint for this would be good. https://www.airchathams.co.nz/our-story/fleet/saab340
  5. Only 3 weather reporting stations active for NZCH NZWN NZAA.. Your closest one is NZCH for 45 South, NZOH did a few years back as well.
  6. Not to forget the only local weather you will get is from NZCH.
  7. Thanks Frank, I have clocked up a few hours with that combo so it took me by surprise. Other than the default 172 been waiting until more stable beta is released for other aircraft. When it crashed I had the GPZ running on another screen showing my standard use of between 6.9 and 7.6 of vram and FPS were around standard between 30 and 40 and card is running 54 degrees. On average the GPU usage is showing less than 50%.CPU no problem and Ram is not stretched. Enjoying my new clouds anyway, you guys have done a great job, Thanks. warning about being in trimmed - Happened about 3 minutes later as I were grabbing my screens when another earth quake shook the place, I'll put it down to that in the meantime getting sick of them. I'll keep on with present settings and make sure I descend in a more orderly fashion and see if it occurs again. Enjoy your new year.
  8. On Approach to EGPF, small problem on descent rate noted. After lining up on final for ILS, X-Plane vanished from screen Log attached. Any thoughts or need more info ? METAR.zip Log.zip
  9. John, can you post what smp/rwc settings you had for that vid. Loved see that hole in the cloud.
  10. One thing SMP 3.2 will do is check to see if a newly dropped METAR file actually changed anything or not - and if not, it won't do anything with it. ---------------------------------------------- Just like the real weather, only see weather change in the area I'm in is if a front comes thru or gradual over hours. I only expect weather to change when flying into a new area with different weather and or out of a fast moving front. I do not expect to see weather change every 15 minutes just for the sake of seeing new clouds drawn on my screen slowing fps. Looking forward to smp 3.2
  11. I would go along with flight planning if possible when not connected to my flight computer. Good to plan before tea then ready for flight straight after. Cheers
  12. Possible in future to have a button in the menu to stop this polling ? GPU-Z gives far more information in real time than waiting to read the log afterwards. CTD and checked the log then restarted same flight without a reboot and ran perfect with not as many of the memory checks recorded. Is this what caused the CTD ?? Log.zip
  13. You could try this plugin http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=27397 Park your aircraft overnight and resume next day in exactly the same parking spot. Same conditions as when you left it.
  14. Thanks for the explanation, guess I'll be without thermal protection. Rather be able to use my hardware. Ver 1.1 worked in the normal position Cheers
  15. After playing today swapping and trying many options. (Never had this problem in saab ver 1.1 with x_assign.) So if I want to play with the Saab all works very well with the buttons sticking to my programmed settings. YES :) Soon as I introduce X-Assign the CMDs get swapped around now - so not the Saab's problem........... But I want to fly my Les DC3 tomorrow for a couple of hours (great plane also) oh redo all my keys. Then I want to have a flight in the Saab, redo all the keys again PITA The workarounds above is for the problem of each xp ver and the code being changed internally. Once you re programme it would stay till next ver release, I have used that process in the past. Wish there was a file we could save the button actions for each plane. One other small problem I have Jim, the L.bat switch any problem in leaving it in OVRD ??? Reason - my GoFlight equip will only work with it in this position. Ver 1.1 worked in the normal position. Regards
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