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Everything posted by roroma

  1. Yeah, it really depends on location.
  2. I was outside earlier tonight and the clouds were "whitish" even though the sky was pitch black. Day and night SMPv2 clouds are highly realistic.
  3. I'm not sure if this has been documented but I haven't seen it in this thread. An issue with stratus clouds (the "foggy" preset in the quick-start menu) - happened at KPSP. There are also some minor issues with cloud shadows moving with the aircraft while in flight .. but it seems as if the shadows will be treated in the next update! Anyway, besides these two bugs SMPv2 is great and I've had it only a day.
  4. Thanks John I don't own Skymaxx pro yet, but when I buy it will it be already updated to v2 or will I have to manually update it to v2?
  5. Thanks! I've heard that v1 was a massive improvement over default cloud FPS, so I'm glad to hear v2 hasn't changed that!
  6. Hi - does that apply to v2 as well? Thanks
  7. How are the FPS?
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