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Everything posted by okernel

  1. Cheaper for you to wait for v4, otherwise you will pay full price for v3 and another 50% of full price to upgrade to v4. I don't believe you will have to wait long. In another thread, someone said v3 will work with XP11. But I dunno for sure! http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/110755-xaviation-products/
  2. OK, all good now. It was the plugin. Downloaded and re-installed. AIRAC cycle 1612 did not change things, so I started again with installations. First the app, nothing changed, then the plugin, FIXED!!
  3. Thanks for the reply. My AIRAC (1611) is current. 1612 due in a couple of days. Will check it again then . Picture from my iPad mini:
  4. In the Flightplan section I can only select Runway R16LZ (KROPP) for YSSY, no matter which STAR I select. YSSY departure runways are OK. So far this only happens to me for YSSY, other airports seem to be OK. Also, is there any way I can load a coroute from X-Plane (IXEG B737) into the flight plan section?
  5. Not sure if this will help you, but as my hardware configuration is similar to yours, I have attached my rendering settings. I am not having your problem.
  6. VERY nice!
  7. Excellent application, I use it all the time. Well done. Welcome cabin announcement includes something like "percent app" a few times and then the word "optional" instead of actual destination (I think). The arrival message I note also has some of this stuff. This is not a major issue for me, but I thought you might want to know. I can try to get the exact wording if required.
  8. Just wanted to say that I appreciate the updates that address performance. I love SMP, but cannot use it effectively with real weather at the moment on my system because the frame rate drops to 14. I'll wait until the above issue is resolved before checking the latest performance update. Cheers
  9. Not sure if this is a B737 or Navigraph problem, but when I enter YMML into the CDU it shows it being in the Northern Hemisphere. The correct IRS position of the aircraft is on page 2 fortunately.
  10. Keen to know if fps increase is confirmed on testing. For me it seems noticeably slower.
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