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SwissCyul last won the day on July 12 2018

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    Montreal Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport/CYUL

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  1. No worries! Thanks again for your awesome tutorial
  2. Just a little question on this: I've recently added PW and GE engines to my Jardesign A330, thanks for the tutorial! But as you can also see in your video, there are some parts shimmering in certain angles near the new engines. Seems to be a leftover of the original fan blades and something else. I went through the texture files and deleted everything that had to do something with the engine. Did you find a fix for this problem on how to get rid of those shimmers?
  3. You seem to be using a very old version of the FF 777. This is the old cockpit and the T7 avionics plugin is not working correctly! Please download the most recent version of the 777 from your account and follow the instructions on how to install the aircraft. You also need Microsoft C++ 2015 64bit for this aircraft. Judging from your screenshot the aircraft won't even be able to fly.
  4. Alright, I'm already trying to set up a texture hierarchy within the texture files. Doesn't seem to be working until now though :( I'll continue searching and report my results :)
  5. I've just converted the newest version of FlyTampa's Dubai airport. After editing all the usual stuff and adding some lighting/static airplanes I loaded the scenery for the first time in the sim. The textures on the ground are flickering like crazy! The taxi lines and gate numbers are always disappearing and changing to the asphalt texture below, same with all the apron and runway textures. There are no flickering buildings though. I've read about those issues with buildings and smaller objects. Is there any way to remove the flickering? After playing around with the antialiasing values nothing has changed. Could this be an issue with the texture hierarchy and interlacing images or is this a pure Z-Buffering trash problem? Any help appreciated!
  6. This happens if you wait for the release date and add the plane to your shopping cart too many times... Can't wait until tomorrow!!!
  7. Woow!! Thank you so much!! That is an incredible guide, could easily be a manual for all conversions!! Thanks again, I will work on all my converted sceneries now with this new information!
  8. Alright, I'm really a noob with LOD editing, could you maybe write a short step-by-step guidance on where to paste that line?
  9. I did delete it from the original scenery folder for FSX, that did the job for me. Maybe you didn't erase the right file? The filename seems to be correct, just search for it in the "scenery" folder and it should pop up
  10. I deleted the object file that was causing the error, so the conversion worked. But the ground textures are disappearing when you zoom out and I am not good at coding for X-Plane, so no solution for that at the time.
  11. Hi there! I just tried to convert the Taxi2Gate Mexico City scenery with FS2XPlane. Everything is going fine until a warning pops up saying that FS2XPlane can't write a certain object to the folder in my custom scenery and the conversion stops. Now I have a folder in my custom scenery that has some objects and the apt.dat for MMMX inside but no .dsf file that loads the scenery into X Plane. I already tried finding the object in the original FSX scenery but it doesn't exist since it's probably in some object file with other objects combined. I attached the conversion log, but I couldn't find anything that would give a clue why the program is not writing that object file. I hope you guys know how to fix this because otherwise I would've wasted some money on a scenery that I can't use... Regards, SwissCyul summary.txt
  12. Mornings are definitely no good time to fly into Dubai... Some planes have been in that holding pattern for over 40 minutes!!
  13. Flying Jamaican style!! Look at this fancy A340 with only one winglet on the right side...
  14. Alright, your log is full of errors and it looks like your system is loading a lot of water as scenery. First of all you need to decrease your rendering settings because X Plane is already giving you a warning that your PC can't handle it. Your scenery load is not correct, something needs to be fixed there. But I can't see any aircraft being loaded. You should maybe try a complete re-install of X Plane and then try to load up one of those aircraft again
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