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to those that have a CTD I found something..... please check.


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Hello all!!

I have seen something very very very interesting...... I found a way to have a CTD even sometimes with just loading...

All that are having CTD can take a look over the menu Aircraft/aircraft & situations to see how many planes you have in other aircraft selection?

If you have more than 1, set it in 1 (I don't know if it can be set to cero.. if so.. set to cero)

Also inside settings / operations & warnings... number inside flight model? set it to 1. please..

and test (inside demo version of xplane. Clean.. no other plugins please)


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I can reproduce a crash to destop by de-selecting a SID (choose RW, than SID, than push SID again to deselect it -> crash).

that is.. you are right. verified here!... For now you only have to deselect the SID just selecting again the Runway.. NOT the SID (I remember I hadn't that one in windows.. I believe)

Don't remember also if this happens in 1.1 version.

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Also for MAC users (that ONLY have CTD).... please with demo version and no plugins at all.. try this:

remove (make backup. copy them to a folder inside desktopj, to restore them later) these files (plugins):



but also remove (make backup) the folder called libcurl.framework that is inside your username/library/frameworks. leave others two there (if you delete those two the plane won't work.

But those that already made this (delete the two gizmo and shrink plugins) please do it over a clean demo install of xplane 9.68... without any plugin....

so you have to:

0. clean fonts as said by Philipp.

1. install x-plane 9.69 mac demo (clean, new and fresh).

2. install 1.1 version of CRJ

3. load the plane and activate it. quick xplane

4. remove the files that I mention before

5. load the CRJ and try.

and lets see what happens. It seems that gizmo and shrink plugin.. MAYBE are affecting Squadbox plugin so maybe they are also MAYBE affecting your CRJ. And because I cannot try testing, because here everything goes smooth and perfect, then only it is you who can.

I cannot think anymore for now to try. Philipp will give us some clues, but it can take time until Philipp appears in the forum (maybe 1 week.. maybe sooner).


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I think it's important to know what works, not just problems that occur.  I use an i7 950 at 3.7GHz and a Radeon 5850 with 64-bit Windows 7.

I've logged over 10 hours in version 1.1 with "number of aircraft" set to 20 and "flight models per frame" set to 1.  Also several plugins were loaded (see attachments).  After many flights, the longest being 1.5 hours, I haven't had a single CTD or a single instance where X-Plane failed to load the CRJ at startup.  For most flights XSquawkBox was enabled so the 19 AI aircraft were not running.  I made one flight with XSquawkBox disabled and XTraffic running 19 aircraft at KSEA.  Again, no problems.

Now here's what's interesting.  If the CRJ is loaded when X-Plane starts (cold and dark condition) and you open the aircraft again, X-Plane will freeze after connecting the GPU and pressing the AC button.  This did not occur with version 1.0.  The only way to recover is ctrl-alt-delete.  No crash log is produced.

As long as I don't open the CRJ back-to-back, I can start the aircraft and be on my way.  Hope you find this feedback useful.







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Yes!! all information is util here! But also know that to people also works great the 1.1 version. You cannot imagine how desperate and frustrated I have been feeling these 3 last days.

It is also good to let people see that the plane is working.. and only is needed to find the problems they have inside their computer. Hope also a Mac user report something like you.


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Yesterday I did the whole tutorial flight on my I7 imac without any CTD.

All plugins were ENABLED (apart from XFMC which I do not need while flying the CRJ200).

All clicks and checks within the tutorial were done (except the holding and the direct at Valencia :) )

Also XSB and XACARS were loaded but not connected. It's too early for online tutorials and me.

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So each day I am more convinced that 1.1 CTD in MACs are because the users that has those CTD has something inside their computer that makes a new feature included inside 1.1 (or just more calculation of 1.1 in route or whatever) crash x-plane. We have to find what it is. Plugins, hardware, not well installed or deleted old files....... (by the way do people deleted the test of the DRJ. Uninstalled it?)

But not all MAC users are having these CTD. I cannot count the percentage because I don't know how many do have the 1.1 version in Mac..

Well.. lets wait what Philipp has to say.


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no CTD (except the bug I mentioned above) on my Mac with Gizmo, X-Ivap, airport navigator, the KLN installed, as is the AN24 and some other complex planes, and a lot of more plugins.

If it's needed dropped me a message and I'll do a full list of installed stuff.

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