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List of all CRJ datarefs: cockpit builders, heat up your soldering irons


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as promised, the comprehensive list of all CRJ datarefs.

With these it should be possible to create a full-blown CRJ homecockpit with all the switches, buttons and lamps operational.

Also it will help TOBS with his scripts for more keyboard commands.

Have fun,


PS: You will notice a pattern for the buttons with integral lights: the dataref suffix "_btn" is the button press or click. The suffix "_lth" indicates the light, with possibly more than one value, and it is STRICTLY READ ONLY, because the light status is determined by the CRJ systems logic.


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And me too, I would like to interact with the CRJ through the Saitek panels. Philipp, what could be the reason because the CRJ crashes when we use the XPSaitek plugin? All my other planes could work without any problem.  :'(

I think your other planes are working with the saitek panels cause they use default datarefs. For using the Satiek panels you must use Sandy Barbours Saitek plugin - right? As long as Sandy does not program the plugin to work with the CRJ200 like he did for the x737 (for Goflight products) you cannot use the Saitek Panels in their complete functions. I do not know how Sandys plugin is working - if he is overriding the default datarefs then there is nothing what you can do (I guess). If he is using the default datarefs you can try to work with xjoymap there is a function to shift default commands to custom commands. But you have to experiment with it.

Cheers Tobs

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to all using saitek hardware. Those hardware if they are using plugins then there is a conflict with the plugin. ON 1.1 version it seems there is a fix for them. But I wasn't able to test it because I don't have those Saitek software or others. Philipp says that there are lots of plugins conflict solved, because all those plugins are asking for clear information to CRJ and the CRJ doesn't send the checkout confirmation. Don't understand quite well but he says that shouldn't be no problem in 1.1 version.

So lets wait for that 1.1 version.


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You should see the "crash on incoming message"-error solved in the next update.

However, I can make no guarantee how the CRJ software will behave when another plugin (Saitek panels plugin) makes changes to the standard datarefs. The CRJ software is not designed for that.


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hi phillip,

as I said, those crashes happens without any other plugins. the saitek yoke or throttle does not use plugins, the keyboard does not use plugins. please understand that the crashes appears when using usb connected hardware without plugin. not always but frequently. This makes a very important difference.

regards tom

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Phillip this sounds very poor - Felis, Ramzzess, Peter Hager, QPAC, Shade Tree Micro, Caranedo, x737 - no one has this problem never!!!

The CRJ team claims that it is the best plane ever made for xplane. And now your customer should agree that he cannot use his hardware as he is used to fly with it - I do not believe that you mean what you say. But lets wait for the update.

Regards Tom

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FWIW: No crashes with my Saitek gear (yoke, throttle and switch panel) until now - ever. And also not with the CRJ. I can even play around with the Switch Panel and no crash happens. (*)

(*) wich I won't recommend, because it confuses with the custom commands of the plane. I only tested what might be possible, but won't use the Switch Panel with the CRJ. It's still and always plugged into the USB port, though.

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only 2 hardware usb have with the CRJ. Saitek X45 and Trackir. No crash to desktop... don't know.

Lets hope the 1.1 works for you, but I doubt the quality of a plane or a product has to be lowered because it doesn't work with certain hardware. Don't misunderstand me.. you bought those hardware and you want to play all planes with it. Also the CRJ.. but we sell a CRJ200 that works with a Joystick and is enough to enjoy. Of course more better.. but those are "gifts". Who knows if the planes you told just are working not because they worked with that hardware, but because they were lucky.

Anyway... maybe it is only something from your system. Try it in another computer and don't put yourself hot before knowing the real reason.

While Philipp doesn't have that hardware, he cannot do anything. If the company of that hardware wants to give the hardware for free to philipp (I have seen that many times working in video games before), then he could work in a solution IF IT IS PROBLEM OF THE CRJ... (that maybe is only inside your system TOBS..... MAYBE!!!  :D

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Yes Javier,

maybe in my system but only with your plane. Isn´t this strange.  You ask the hardware builders to give the hardware for free - on the other hand you do not want to give your plane to addon developpers for free.  :D;):)

No other planebuilder refuses so strictly to build custom joystick commands or keyboard commands like you. Is this cause you know about the problem with hardware? So in this way it is very eays to say it is the plugin, what I need for custom joystick buttons. Cause without a plugin your custom commands cannot be mapped to joystick or keyboard. It could if you would write it into the code!

Ok but it begins to be boaring - you refuse the critic and observations - do it like you want. It is really not a bad plane this for sure - but it has a lot of lacks, as this board here shows.

We will see what happens in 1.1. or later....

Regards Tom

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  • 4 months later...


I am relatively new to the whole topic of data refs and, in all honesty, I don't fully understand how they work in X-plane. I am setting up a home cockpit for the CRJ 200 with GoFlight modules and got almost everything to work with Sandy Barbour's fantastic GoFlight plugin, but I am missing the CRJ-specific functions. Can any kind person here tell me what the steps are to extend the list of standard X-plane functions, so that the the CRJ-specific functions (e.g. windshield wiper, overhead panel brightness, etc.) show up in Sandy's plugin? I am sure it's relatively easy, I just can't figure it out. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.



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You have to ask Sandy Barbour how you can add datarefs to his plugin. As I don't own Saitek panels, I also don't use the plugin. I'm not sure if Sandy offers some kind of config file where you can dump the datarefs in. You have to ask him this at his section in the org forum: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=18906

Alternatively, if the Saitek plugin offers to assign X-Plane commands, you may take a look at the excellent script for xjoymap: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=13581


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After discussing with fluxx via email, I want to share the two keypoints we found out to be troublesome for him. Perhaps it helps other people also:

-The datarefs listed here are only avialable after the CRJ has been loaded. That means, binding the dataref on X-Plane startup will fail, as they aren't there yet. You have to do the datref-lookup after the plane has loaded

-The button datarefs have a spring-back logic like the buttons themselves: You write "1" to them, the press is sensed, then they are immediately overwritten with "0" to make the buttons "spring back". If you continue writing "1" into a button dataref, this logic won't work.


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  • 2 months later...

Thanks to Philipp posting these dataref's, I built my first test panel box. Here's a quick rundown. I purchased a GP-Eiz40 MAX Usb Controller, a project box and a bunch of single-pole double throw switches, LED's and pushbutton's with LED's in them. The goal was to try and build a few of the most common overhead panel buttons such as the APU buttons, 10th stage APU/LCV, ISOL and so on. Having a little background in electronics (it's been years), I was able to simulate most of what I wanted. Although my project box wasn't big enough to hold everything I wanted, such as the Packs, I was able to get most of the big ticket items.

The hardest part was trying to figure out what xjoymap and button2dataref was and the relationship between them. Being a former MSFS fanatic, X-Plane is fairly new to me.

I did have a few issues with the Hydraulic buttons. Switch 1, 3B and 2 where initially backwards. For example, when throwing the switch to the ON position ( 1 ), those three switches would not throw correctly. I finally figured it out and that's for another post. If anyone is interested, I can post what my button2dataref config looks like.

The other issue I had is the landing lights. For the life of me I can't find any reference to the three landing lights (Left, Center and Right). It's an all or nothing which forced me to abandon that idea and reprogram my landing lights switches to Nav, Beacon and Strobe. I also couldn't find a dataref for Logo lights either.

If anyone is interested in what parts I used, feel free to reply. It was a fun project and I plan on expanding this idea.

Here's a quick 30 second video of it:

and I'm also attaching a few pictures.





Edited by chris1165
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I am relatively new to the whole topic of data refs and, in all honesty, I don't fully understand how they work in X-plane. I am setting up a home cockpit for the CRJ 200 with GoFlight modules and got almost everything to work with Sandy Barbour's fantastic GoFlight plugin, but I am missing the CRJ-specific functions. Can any kind person here tell me what the steps are to extend the list of standard X-plane functions, so that the the CRJ-specific functions (e.g. windshield wiper, overhead panel brightness, etc.) show up in Sandy's plugin? I am sure it's relatively easy, I just can't figure it out. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.



No way to assign anything to GoFlight modules which is not in Sandy's plugin. Only Sandy or somebody who is able to modify his plugin can do this. So be carefully with GoFlight nice panels but they do nothing to make it more compatible with xplane and custom build planes. I myself would buy more GoFlight modules but as long as they cannot be assigned to xplane commands default or custom I keep my fingers away of this products.

Cheers Tom

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  • 1 month later...
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  • 1 month later...

Ah, I see I misunderstood. Thanks for your response. I had in mind that it was some way to expand the possible assignments for the joystick/yoke buttons. So do I now understand correctly that these datarefs only report info rather than perform some action as I previously had in mind?

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