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Javier Rollon´s aircrafts crash when Skymax pro is installed.


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Tha last weekend I must reinstall windows, and I couldn´t install skymax pro. Today I try it and when I get install it, then JS32 and CRJ crash, They can not press any buttons as battery.
It is curious that only gives me problem with these two planes
If you need a video, log or anything please tell me

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Your log shows some errors while X-Plane is trying to load the plugins associated with your JS32 aircraft. I would start by re-installing it, making sure you have the latest official release of it. I know there are lots of unofficial extensions to that plane, and all bets are off if you're using them...

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I would suggest re-downloading the plane's latest versions and re-installing them. If this means your friend has to send you a new "coupon," you might have to ask for one.

I can promise you that Skymaxx Pro has absolutely nothing to do with how the switches in your plane behave. It's either coincidence that you noticed this problem once SMP was installed, or installing SMP shuffled the memory layout of your system in such a way that it exposed a bug in the plane's software or in SASL. I see you are running with SASL version 2.0.3 while the latest version of SASL is 2.4.3, so I think this also points to your plane's software being out of date.



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Note that the CRJ200 has some type of memory problem. I.e. if flying for a long time, memory consumption will increase. One time I had about 20Gb allocated memory for X-Plane, and this only happens with the CRJ200 (and also, the allocated memory is still there even if you close X-Plane, so I either need to logout or reboot).

Though X-Plane do not crash, but only sometimes when exiting it when you have loaded the CRJ200. A theory is that the memory problem may interfere with the Skymaxx Plugin. I also had crashes and extreme hiccups with Skymaxx, so I did uninstall it. No more hiccups or crashes, but at this time I'm not sure if the cause was the CRJ200, and I don't have the time to pinpoint the problem of mine.

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Thanks Sundog and VanSkruv, and sorry for not responding earlier, but was studying the problem and I had to reformat up to five times, thinking it was the problem of S.O. and libraries. Eventually and fortunately I have located the problem, and it was '' an airport !!!!. This airport is downloaded from xpfr and are small airfields in Guyana, inside it has a plugin that was generating me the problem.
I do not understand is how to act if I have not loaded the airport.
But ... issue resolved and my apologies for the inconvenience Sundog.
Thank you

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