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New IPad or IPod tool

Simmo W

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I'm guessing that 'moving map' means that it moves with your plane. it'd be useless if it didn't. as I'm in Australia, my challenge is to see if the map is any better than the one I see with xplane remote for iPhone/pad. we don't see the nav charts the us gets.

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I have both the x-plane remote for itouch and the wi-fly one.  At the moment I prefer the wi-fly because it has rudder control as well as helo controls preset.  Plus the moving map doesn't work on the ipod/iphone version, which is super lame. 

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  • 1 month later...

It's out:


Go here:


This is EFIS-App for iPad.

Here is how it works:

You get an ipad or two or three, and configure each one to be an EFIS of one sort or another. (We have only a few EFIS options now, with more coming over time). Then, you velcro those ipads to an instrument panel in a cockpit that you make out of plywood or something. Then, you get a copy of X-Plane and a typical projector at officeMax or something. Hook your desktop mac or PC up to the projector and set that projector up over your head projecting onto the wall in front of your little cockpit with ipads-for-instruments.

Now, in X-Plane, on your desktop mac or windows machine, turn on the 'efis app for ipad' option, and X-Plane will communicate with the ipads, letting the ipads be very nice EFIS's for X-Plane.

You now have a flight sim with amazing visuals projected in front of you, cool EFIS instruments on the panel, and the best flight model in the industry. This is rapidly leaping into the $250,000 class of simulator for the cost of a single computer, a projector, and a few ipads.

This is the beginning of the homebuilt cockpit revolution, where it is very very easy to build a homebuilt cockpit with basically zero hassle... efis-app for ipad always works with x-plane perfectly. And with X-Plane, the scenery is great and the flight model is the best.

We recently built a sim like the one above to give to my local high-school and it worked perfectly... get out the plywood, saw, paint, computer, projector, a few ipads and some CH products sticks and yokes and get to work! You can build a flight sim really easily now that will deliver really amazing performance.


ps: one of the efis displays in efis-app is a prototype for the avionics display that i plan to put in my REAL lancair evolution... hit a button and the plane lands itself! this will be in my REAL plane!

even if you just want to put the ipads in front of you because you do not feel like building a real cockpit, grab a few ipads and a copy of efis-app and make yourself a cool sim!


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  • 11 months later...

found something new (for me) to play with: the recent update to Air Navigation (iPad App) brought some stuff so I checked it out:


* xplane plugin available

Here is what's great and sets it apart from iGmaps and skycharts (that is if you want to fly in non-US airspace):

* shows navigation data (INCLUDING AIRSPACE INFORMATION) also in Europe, much more complete than iGmap

* possible to download OSM charts (for free of course), data will then overlay - great. much better than what iGmap delivers

* possible free download of elevation data - displayed on its own column in the app window

* if you want to: in app purchases of a wide variety of charts, from ICAO charts to some VFR-stuff that I did not know before.

The website and quick start guide will give you more info about all the other features.


please have in mind I only tested some locations in europe yet and have the app only since a few hours. Still figuring it out. So take a look for yourself before you make a purchase - it is NOT CHEAP! $37.99

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