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Air Canada Crash :(


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Not a crash, rather a forced landing, and a rather nicely done one at that.  Minimal damage, and only minor injuries (but what do you expect when an aircraft jars to a stop, people tend to be tossed around a bit, similar to a car accident, regardless of whether or not you have your seat belt on).  And yes, this is an Jazz aircraft, not Air Canada.


Please inform me how this could have been a disaster?  A gear collapse on landing, which results in a yawing moment, which then takes the aircraft off the side of the runway at low speed (which the aircraft would have been at, because the crew knew there was a problem after taking off in Calgary, and also because this is a landing incident).  Yes, the right engine had a blade separation event, but even so, at the low to idle power of landing, the odds of a full penetration by the composite propeller blades is low.  Yes it did penetrate, but not all that far (odds are there may be an A/D in the works from Bombardier suggesting that operators install a bit of additional sheet metal on the fuselage adjacent to the blades, just as a cover your ass move).

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Hasn't been the best week for Q400s.  One rarely reads about incidents involving the Q, then two in one week.




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Ahh, gotta love the news!! Making a big drama out of an incident... "If the other engine would have failed we would have dropped out of the sky..." :D 

While we are on the topic of Q problems: Another Flybe Q400 had a minor braking issue last week: http://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/wiki.php?id=171105

Flybe is not going to be happy... ;) 

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Pretty good hit to the spinner cone on that Q.  Probably no damage to the engine thought.


Is it just me or is the Daily Mail a tad bit sensationalist?    :rolleyes:


The Daily Mail is probably the newspaper with the worst examples of English, spelling mistakes and grammar, with journalists who seem to have Primary/Middle school education (ages 6-12), but it's about the only UK paper which is free, concise in layout and updated several times a day.

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