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Linux plugin now available

Keith Smith

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The current distribution now includes a 32 and 64-bit Linux plugins. So...all 5 Linux users can now rejoice. :)


Thank You!





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  • 1 month later...

Have X-plane running on Windows7 64bit and now also running on Linux and let me tell you: WHAT A HUGE HUGE difference it makes, and on the exact same machine. X-Plane on Linux is like "Steroids Mode" so fluid and stable. And the Rendering Settings are higher than the Windows settings.

So, great news again from the Pilotedge super team.



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  • 11 months later...

I am late to this party, but anyway:

There might be only very few Linux customers. The way you treat those 5 customers(*) speaks volumes about your professionalism and positive attitude in general. :)




(*) and the other 5 Linux freaks who--like me--still do not use their preferred platform, because one or two other "mandatory" addons are Windows-only.

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(*) and the other 5 Linux freaks who--like me--still do not use their preferred platform, because one or two other "mandatory" addons are Windows-only.
Strange. What add-ons could possibly be mandatory? If you feel some add-ons are "mandatory" and don't support Linux then you'll technically not use X-Plane for any OS other than Windows anyhow. I suppose there could be some freeware, but still curious to know. Just right here you said:
But that doesn't bother me very much, because I have a personal policy that I do not pay for addons that do not support all three platforms.
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This "policy" is strategic. I try to eleminate variables one by one and not to introduce new ones as good as possible. Good thing is I can run X-Plane on multiple OS, thanks to Linux* even simultaneously in co-op off one installation base. That helps a lot with keeping that dreadful Windows dependency to its minimum. :)

* Actually OpenIndiana (ZFS), but that difference doesn't matter at this point, if this off topic discussion matters in the first place. When I think about it, this over-complex setup is there just because of the limitations of Windows, but well. :D

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