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Peter Hager A380 Lamg Lights and Taxi Lights

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I'm pretty sure that other owners of this fine aircraft have also noticed that the only light that actually casts light is the right landing light. I was wondering if any of the owners or people who develop aircraft know how to get rid of the lights built into the objects so I can place my own lights in plane maker. If you all don't understand what I mean, I've included a .png file of what I'm speaking of. As you can see, the lights that are somehow modeled into the wings and gear show light, but do not cast light. I believe that the solution to this issue is the "Litcher-R.obj" file in the objects folder of each A380. I just sometimes wish developers would use the default things included with X-Plane. It would make things so much easier for us. I don't see any reason why X-Plane wouldn't be able to take care of the lights for the A380. Any help or advice is much appreciated. :)


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I had HDR enabled. It's not what I was doing wrong; it's what Peter hager wasn't willing to do. He told me when I e-mailed him that the lights couldn't work because the aircraft wasn't optimized for HDR. If that's so, then explain why I was able to go into Plane-Maker and fix it myself. Only the Right landing light was visible. I asked him to fix it and he said he could not. 

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I had HDR enabled. It's not what I was doing wrong; it's what Peter hager wasn't willing to do. He told me when I e-mailed him that the lights couldn't work because the aircraft wasn't optimized for HDR. If that's so, then explain why I was able to go into Plane-Maker and fix it myself. Only the Right landing light was visible. I asked him to fix it and he said he could not. 


Interesting.  Care to share what you did to correct the problem?

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Have you tried contacting Peter Hager about it first?  I have found he responds quickly, particularly on Skype.

i messaged him a few days ago about a 10.30b1 bug and he replied to me rudely (i will try and find the email, deleted it off my phone by mistake)  :(  :angry: .  SCREW HIM, I'M NEVER BUYING HIS PLANES AGAIN!  The bug has been fixed in 10.30b2  :)

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i messaged him a few days ago about a 10.30b1 bug and he replied to me rudely (i will try and find the email, deleted it off my phone by mistake)  :(  :angry: .  SCREW HIM, I'M NEVER BUYING HIS PLANES AGAIN!  The bug has been fixed in 10.30b2  :)


Given my two years of dialogue with Peter Hager on a variety of subjects (not always related to an issue with his aircraft), I find it impossible to believe he replied in an [unprovoked] rude fashion.


I'd rather see your unedited message to him first.

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Given my two years of dialogue with Peter Hager on a variety of subjects (not always related to an issue with his aircraft), I find it impossible to believe he replied in an [unprovoked] rude fashion.


I'd rather see your unedited message to him first.

i own (2) A380's at full price and (1) A321 from Peter.  I'm 45years old and know a rude email when i see it.  I remember alittle from the email where Peter told me not to bother him about bugs from his plane with XP10 betas, that's it.  He used the words "don't bother me about XP10betas".

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i own (2) A380's at full price and (1) A321 from Peter.  I'm 45years old and know a rude email when i see it.  I remember alittle from the email where Peter told me not to bother him about bugs from his plane with XP10 betas, that's it.  He used the words "don't bother me about XP10betas".


I have no intention to start a flame war here, but for a 45-year old, your sense of tolerance seems to be a bit underdeveloped.  Despite Mr. Hager's apparent command of written English, it should be taken into consideration that it is certainly not his native language.  In his native German (also my first language), for example, words that could translate to "bother" are quite benign.


To be fair, developers of aircraft and scenery have with rare exception been instructed not to code to a beta version of X-Plane.  By your own admission, the bug in question was corrected in the next X-Plane beta anyway.

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I have no intention to start a flame war here, but for a 45-year old, your sense of tolerance seems to be a bit underdeveloped.  Despite Mr. Hager's apparent command of written English, it should be taken into consideration that it is certainly not his native language.  In his native German (also my first language), for example, words that could translate to "bother" are quite benign.


To be fair, developers of aircraft and scenery have with rare exception been instructed not to code to a beta version of X-Plane.  By your own admission, the bug in question was corrected in the next X-Plane beta anyway.

Screw Peter! He should have never replied rudely to me.  

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Screw Peter! He should have never replied rudely to me.  

And you think you are gaining respect for the way you are acting here?  You've been around X-Plane long enough to know developers have no control over Laminar created bugs in the beta process.  Any developer you contact about a beta bug is going to tell you the same thing.  Don't report bugs to them or "bother" them to fix things they have no control over.  If your product was working fine before the beta update, then it's not the developer's problem and it will be dealt with by Laminar, as you've already experienced.


You have no idea what kind of day Peter was having and maybe your e-mail was the last in a series of events that pushed him over the edge.  From the sounds of it, I think you're overreacting.  I've had many communications with Peter over the years and as has been mentioned, I have never known him to be rude, discourteous or mean.  I wager it's a matter of poor translation and he evidently chose the wrong words.  Relax!

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