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Michael Changs/Zromans Boeing B777-300ER for "sale"? O.o

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could you provide a link to that website? I could not find anything on the .org

I can't remember the name of the website, it was posted once or twice somewhere on .org but since they banned the member anything talking about or posted by him was deleted, so there is no trace of his existence on .org. Basically .org did what the USSR would do in the old days...

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I can't remember the name of the website, it was posted once or twice somewhere on .org but since they banned the member anything talking about or posted by him was deleted, so there is no trace of his existence on .org. Basically .org did what the USSR would do in the old days...

That's a good thing to do though, the model was freeware from Hiroshi Igami (FSX/FS9), you don't sell freeware models...especially without explicit permission from the authors

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Some information.

The person invloved was banned and removed for several reasons.


He offered various skinsets for illegally converted freeware planes for MSFS ( Project Opensky.) including the illegal base model. ( Project Oblivion )

These paints were NOT made by himself , he just published them under his own name.

Guys like him should be banned everywhere.




His personal website still exists ( just checked it a moment ago )
No need to say I cannot give the link to it, that would be advertising illegal actions.

Edited by Leen de Jager
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Some information.

The person invloved was banned and removed for several reasons.


He offered various skinsets for illegally converted freeware planes for MSFS ( Project Opensky.) including the illegal base model. ( Project Oblivion )

These paints were NOT made by himself , he just published them under his own name.

Guys like him should be banned everywhere.




His personal website still exists ( just checked it a moment ago )

No need to say I cannot give the link to it, that would be advertising illegal actions.

I believed I missed something, I know this guys posted repaints that where for shady planes but I'm 99% he made his own repaints. What are the proofs that he did not make them?

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Knowing the fact he is publishing paints for shady planes is enough to ban him from all fora and no further discuss the guy.

I certainly do not have the intention to do so.


As Peter T says , old textures new filenames.

Find the textures for FSX and see , there is no difference between them and "his" paints .

Except for the filenames and dates.


Search and you`ll find all proof you need. ( IF you need proof ! I think you don`t )

Edited by Leen de Jager
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  • 2 months later...

Some people might not want to pay $84.95 for an aircraft. VMAX needs to make a new 777 model anyways.

I agree that the base price of $60 for addon aircraft is through the roof. Way too overpriced. We pay $80 plus shipping for the whole simulator, yet then pay 80% - 120% of the simulator price for aircrafts. In my opinion they should not be more then $25-30. Not every simmer is able to afford that much. If the average X-Plane user owns all the available Heavy Jets, the 757, 777, A320, and CRJ-200 that means he/she would have spent roughly 4 times the amount of X-Plane 10 Itself. That doesn't include general aviation airplanes and other airplanes we buy (Or scenery, airports, and eyecandy add ons). I myself spent a combined total of $480 on addons. 

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In my opinion all cars should only cost around $10,000 or so and they should have 50% off days so that I can go buy a Ferrari or Lamborgini. Maybe both if have the extra cash.


Oh wait, maybe that's absurd. It's also absurd to expect add-on developers to sell everything at 25 or 30 dollars. 60 dollars is not unreasonable or "through the roof" for something that can take years of full-time work for these people to create. The Saab is a procedural study sim that took over three years of daily toil to produce; are you really suggesting that they sell it for 25 bucks!!??


There's plenty of great addons available that cost around 20 or 30 dollars for Xplane or even less. Almost all of Carenado's offerings are about that much. But for a truly remarkable product like the 777 or the Saab it's going to cost you more because products like these take A LOT more time and effort to make, it's just simple economics. If you can't afford them at first you can wait for the price to come down after a time or watch for a sale.


Not everything can cost 5 cents Charlie Brown.    

Edited by JeremyWM
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I don't think the cost of add ons really has an awful lot to do with how much the developers deserve rewarding - it's about the market and how much people are willing to pay for them. If no one bought them at $80 dollars they wouldn't cost that much, irrespective of the amount of effort that went into them. What is clear though is that the flight sim market is generally for people who have a fair amount of disposable cash.

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In my opinion all cars should only cost around $10,000 or so and they should have 50% off days so that I can go buy a Ferrari or Lamborgini. Maybe both if have the extra cash.


Oh wait, maybe that's absurd. It's also absurd to expect add-on developers to sell everything at 25 or 30 dollars. 60 dollars is not unreasonable or "through the roof" for something that can take years of full-time work for these people to create. The Saab is a procedural study sim that took over three years of daily toil to produce; are you really suggesting that they sell it for 25 bucks!!??


There's plenty of great addons available that cost around 20 or 30 dollars for Xplane or even less. Almost all of Carenado's offerings are about that much. But for a truly remarkable product like the 777 or the Saab it's going to cost you more because products like these take A LOT more time and effort to make, it's just simple economics. If you can't afford them at first you can wait for the price to come down after a time or watch for a sale.


Not everything can cost 5 cents Charlie Brown.    

Agreed. Think of the sim as a framework to which stuff can be added, from aircraft to scenery to weather effects. There is plenty available for free or at low cost or at higher cost. It just depends on how much you want to extend the sim and how much you're willing to invest. Prices for individual add-ons will be determined by the market.

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If no one bought them at $80 dollars they wouldn't cost that much, irrespective of the amount of effort that went into them. What is clear though is that the flight sim market is generally for people who have a fair amount of disposable cash.


Basic economics states if return on investment isn't sufficient then the models won't be built at all. If the buyers refused to buy anything over say $20, then the quality of the add-ons being churned out would only be of a certain quality. You would most definitely not find study level simulations.


Also, flight simulation is a luxury market, of course it favors people with disposable cash. People without disposable cash shouldn't be purchasing luxury items. Yet if you think about it, a lot of people don't hesitate to buy lots of sugary drinks. A month of abstaining from sugary drinks (yet another luxury item) is enough money to purchase the costlier plane add-ons on the X-Plane "market". Hell, at 10-years old I was making $8/week doing household chores for my parents and saving to purchase items far more costly than X-Plane add-ons.

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Basic economics states if return on investment isn't sufficient then the models won't be built at all. If the buyers refused to buy anything over say $20, then the quality of the add-ons being churned out would only be of a certain quality. You would most definitely not find study level simulations.


Also, flight simulation is a luxury market, of course it favors people with disposable cash. People without disposable cash shouldn't be purchasing luxury items. Yet if you think about it, a lot of people don't hesitate to buy lots of sugary drinks. A month of abstaining from sugary drinks (yet another luxury item) is enough money to purchase the costlier plane add-ons on the X-Plane "market". Hell, at 10-years old I was making $8/week doing household chores for my parents and saving to purchase items far more costly than X-Plane add-ons.

I remember those days... I would offer to go and walk all the neighborhood dogs to raise money for my X-Plane funds... I'd also use 1:18 scale model cars and outfit them with police LEDs and sell them for huge profit on eBay.  :D

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Superdelphinus- If no one bought addons that cost between 60-80 dollars, then we simply wouldn't have aircraft at that high level of fidelity and quality available for X-plane, period. Which is one of the main reasons why X-plane was relegated to the periphery of the flight sim market for the majority of its existence; all of the really amazing addons with high level systems realism and detailed 3D models were only made for MS Flightsims because thats where the market was that could support a team of dedicated people working full-time for years on end to be able to make a living creating flightsim addons. 


The price does reflect the effort and time put into the product as well as the individual market economy. The very fact that X-plane has these products means that it has finally become a viable platform for talented people to make a living by creating great addons for it. Think about how much enjoyment you can have out of some of these products. A flight sim enthusiast can get months of entertainment or even years out of a purchase. This particular hobby does cost some money if you want the very best products available, but in comparison to other endevors I'd say it's pretty cheap. Try buying a real life RC aircraft of any size and quality and you're looking at paying hundreds or easily thousands of dollars for about 20 minutes of fun out at the flying field. Almost every brand new videogame for consoles or computer costs $60 whether they're total garbage or not.


As I said if you can't afford the best of the best just wait for a sale or grab something else that you can afford. Javiers Rollons Jetstream 32 is AMAZING and it only costs $35. It's well worth the investment.     

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