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XP Scenery Generator [WIP]


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Hi Tony,

I'm testing the 0.3.1 right now using the same .pbf files I tested before but it seems slower than previous versions, how exactly works the <processor-threads> parameter?

Is that number related only to physical cores or even to virtual ones (HyperThreading)?

There's also a tutorial where command line parameters, such -Xms2g, are explained?

Thanks in advance!

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Mine is <processor-threads>4</processor-threads>, as per default config.xml.

But now, using that parameter, it's slower than generations done with 0.2.0 version that should not be multicore-enabled, so I wonder why.

Well, this could simply be caused by the fact that a LOT more funcionality has been added since 0.2.0...

How much physical RAM do you have and what is the peak memory usage reported by W2XP?

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You also need the hardware to support this, i.e. Fast disks (SSD or temporary memory disk). If you create yourself a memory disk (using some free apps) and place the OSM.PBF file in there and make sure it has some space to generate), it's much quicker to generate. I don't think there will be a big improvement with standard hard disks because of disk I/O. Also, as Daikan said, this does way way more than 0.2.0, so it will take longer

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I have 16Gb ram and I use 12Gb ( -Xmx12g) ram for generations since day 1 of alpha tests, never used local storage and peak was 6455Mb.

I'll have to test it again changing some parameters, even to understand what 0.3.1 do more than 0.2.0.

Tony, any clues about command line parameters?

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I use the following


-XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolicy  ---> This will assign as much RAM as possible
You should also use
-d64  --> To use a 64-bit JVM and more than 4GB of RAM
To assign memory instead, you should use -Xmx**g to choose how much RAM to give it. 
A full list of all JVM command-line options are here
Edited by tonywob
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Tom... your scene is 'empty'. Install ZL17 tiles over it with Mesh HD v2 integrated, and get a more populated area.. Also, could you post an image of:

- render settings

- weather conditions


that would give it a response by itself :-)


As I'm running latest computer specs, you just can't get even 40fps on a descent scenery with all option turned on. IMPOSSIBLE

Edited by blacky75
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Tom, you've overlooked two things:


1) My laptop is a 4 year old Macbook Pro, and never meant for playing games, and even I can get over 50fps when I go to external view and look at empty scenery.

2) You don't have any photoscenery, any sort of scenery (except trees), and no facades, or objects to render. Like Blacky75 said, try again in a city or populated town using photo-scenery, HD Mesh, i.e. Recommend Berlin or Nuremberg,  and then come back and tell me you can get 100fps ;-)


Also, post your computer specs, I'm interested in what you have

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HD Mesh v2 is installed, so is Scandinavia v1.7 (OSM latest for the entire Norway made by OSM2XP), SkyMaxx PRO

I do not use Photoscenery as they suck big time in quality (personal opinion), besides that these are all installed


Openscenery X

European Library

R2 Library

Fly With Lua

Sea Traffic v. 030

AirTrack XPL


Treelines and farms over Europe v2

and lots of texture enhancements



Point beeing, picture above was only to show that you can in fact get FPS readings above 50, not just over the pacific ocean.

And yes, I do have mulitple facades going on and objects set to MAX, the FPS do drops down to 70-80ish over huge cities like i.e Oslo (would be strange if it didnt)






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OK, so downloaded Oslo (just the city), and generated it in both OSM2XP and W2XP, switched sceneries without reloading X-Plane, and also I don't use HD-Mesh, or even photoscenery, and I'm using the stock Bell 206:



OSM2XP Default Settings - 17.95fps



W2XP Default Settings - 15.83fps




OSM2XP Default Settings - 15.70fps




W2XP Default Settings - 12.39fps


Point being, a) my laptop is rubbish ;-), and secondly, considering W2XP is also generating roads, using real objects, placing trees, generating multipolygons,  a 2fps difference is to be expected and good, and nowhere near your "100fps - to 30fps" that you reported.

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Specs are


Intel i7 3770K OC @ 4.6Ghz - Asus Sabertooth Z77, 16GM RAM 1866Mhz, Samsung PRO SSD and of course my beloved Nividia GTX 770 (not clocked) 4GB display card.

Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit






Downtown Brussel






I see W2XP randomize the buildings way better than OSM2XP, but it also ads building that are not there IRL or in OSM2XP. But It does remove forrest where OSM2XP does not.

So if you want variation, I do believe W2XP is better, though it seems to impact the user a bit more.


I cannot say which is better as that is in the eye of the beholder and up to the individual using and tweaking it.


But don't mistake my intentions, I do believe W2XP will be a great addition to the X-Plane community and I for one will follow it closely in the future

So keep it up guys..



Edited by Tom Knudsen
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