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X-Plane 9 crash.. again


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The title says most of it :P.


No crash_log generated, i deleted my prefrences... It crashes when it first starts loading.. and NO, i havent installed any new scenery/plugin

X-Plane 9.70, windows 7

My signature contains my computer specs..


Log.txt  and   and  stack_crawl   are attached.. lol


Another problem

Before X-plane started crashing, i was facing a problem with FPS.

My specs are in my signature,

I'm running X-Plane 9 on kinda medium settings, GIZMO and X-Plane's settings showed that im having 40 fps.. the problem is i feel that those *40* fps are like 15 or something.. it happens with all aircrafts.. even light aircrafts like the default F-22..*I tried limiting fps in xp rendering options* Is there something i can do in my log.txt to make x-plane use MORE power from the processor or the video card to give me more fps and stop lagging? *Im not that computer guy :P *



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Did you run other processing/graphic intensive programs? you should close them before running X-Plane. clean your ram by following these steps->


Clean your RAM

You may recognize that your system gets slower and slower when playing and working a lot with your Desktop or a laptop. That’s because your RAM is full of remaining progress pieces you do not need any more.


1. Open the Notepad and type:




2. Save it as RAMcleaner.vbs (You should choose the “All Files” option when you save it.)


3. Run the file and your RAM may be cleaned.

Of course you can edit the code in the file for a greater “cleaning-progress”.


For Example: FreeMem=Space(128000000)


-Its not harmful, it helps clean your RAM.
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Those ram cleaner scripts are a joke.


You're "cleaning" 64 megs of space on a system that probably has 6 gigs of ram.


64 million bytes out of a possible 6 billion.




There are tools out there that can trigger your OS to do various memory cleanups, these definitely are not good examples of them.

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