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X-Plane 10 Freeware & Payware Review Series


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On several forums I have helped with recommending to users various freeware & payware add-ons so I had the idea to create a video review series to showcase, review and link to the fantastic freeware & payware that is being continously created for X-plane.


I have made quite a lot of FSX videos in the past and even had Orbx use one of my videos to promote their scenery for Concrete so I am no stranger to FS video production.


Personally, I believe in X-plane 10 as THE platform for simming and wish to promote it as such. To be honest, I think it really needs this kind of promotion to attract new users. It will also help advertise add-ons and generate some extra sales for X-aviation and others. Also for new comers, it should be a great resource for add-ons (linked to in the video description) that many probably don't know are available and should also attract quite a few new Laminar customers once they see the possibilities.


Here is the first episode. I will go into more detail in future on the individual add-ons but this was just something to get started. Please suscribe as I will be doing regular episodes.



I hope that it is okay to post this in the general discussion forum as my post is more about an idea rather than just the video.





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